Rosie's Games - Chapter 111

Published at 12th of April 2024 07:42:13 AM

Chapter 111: Trouble 3

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Chapter 111: Trouble 3

The loud thud surprised Jeames. He frowned as he looked around. As always, the man named Loren was nowhere to be seen. Although, he was almost certain that the man was just watching him, Loren was an expert in stealth, a warrior that only wanted to stay hidden while doing his mission.

At first, Jeames found the guy intimidating. As much as he didn't want to admit it, he could not lie to himself. He was certain that Loren was stronger than him and he didn't like that. However, he had learned to tolerate the guy's presence for the sake of his beloved.

He started walking towards the room where the thud came from. It was the prison cell where Rosalind was kept.

"I suggest you stop making a fuss," he murmured. Growing up, he always disliked Rosalind. True, she was beautiful and kind, naive even. Yet, the woman was annoying and loved to follow him around. He was almost certain that Rosalind would confess her feelings towards him, but that never happened as they sent Rosalind away.

At first, he did not think too much of Rosalind. After all, she was considered no one in the Lux family. To him, she was just another person that would soon be forgotten, just like most people in the Lux Family.

However, things slowly changed.

Rosalind, not only started changing her attitude, but she also worked with the Duke of the North to scheme against Dorothy. This completely changed his perspective and made him hate the woman.

He slowly opened the door and almost immediately, he froze.

No one was on the chair!

"Loren!" he hissed, his senses alert. Where could she be?

He was aware that the woman was the one who received the Blessing of the light, but she could not really use her light inside this room.

"Loren! She's not here!"

"What happened?" Loren suddenly appeared behind him. Jeames was almost sure that the man wanted to show off in front of him but he had no time to argue. Rosalind is no longer inside the room.

"She cannot use her light inside " he said. "She cannot use illusion," Loren said after making sure that no one was inside the room. "Go inform them, I will find her."

"But " Before Jeames could even finish his words, Loren already disappeared.

Rosalind looked different. It was as if she was surrounded by something dark and domineering. Illusion!

This must be an illusion. Since Rosalind was already outside of the room, she could now use her light Blessing; albeit weakly.

Still, this would not stop her from trying to manipulate the light, bend it and create an illusion. However, this technique had one weakness.

As someone who had lived with the Lux Family for years, he knew that this illusion would end once he removed the source of light. After all, she was bending light to fool him. Without having second thoughts, he used a dagger to target the candles that lit up the whole way.

Darkness enveloped the small hallway that was only enough for one person to pass by.

"Naive," he heard her snort. There was nothing but disgust in her voice.

"I was prepared to let the two of you live," Rosalind said, her voice strangely heavy. It was not the voice of a seventeen-year-old girl.

Then Rosalind snorted.

"I wanted life itself to punish you for what you did to me," Rosalind continued. Since the hallway was already dark, Jeames was forced to use his training to try and sense her, but for some reason, he could not hear her breathing or her footsteps. However, she sounded near him.

He tightened his hand on the hilt of his sword.

"You cannot fool me," Jeames said. "This is nothing but an illusion."

Again, there was another snort.

"You are right," Rosalind said. "I cannot fool you." Then she chuckled. "You knew me better than most of them, Jeames," Rosalind said. "How could I let you live in peace? That Rosalind was no more," Rosalind said. "That Rosalind was already dead."


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