Rosie's Games - Chapter 124

Published at 12th of April 2024 07:41:27 AM

Chapter 124: Planting the Seeds 2

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Chapter 124: Planting the Seeds 2

"Miss Rosie is currently sleeping," the female merchant announced when Raulio asked to speak to Rosie. "You might not know this, but by absorbing the curse, the Young Miss is bound to suffer. Did you expect everything to be complimentary? Some payments must be made!"

Raulio looked at the strict-looking woman.

"But this is urgent"

"Nothing is more urgent than the health of our Young Miss!"

Raulio could not help but sigh. It had been two hours since Rosie had healed their captain, and right now, the captain was already showing signs of recovery. However, they were not really certain if the curse would come back the very next day.

He was here because his lieutenant sent him.

He wanted to talk to the young miss and invite her to have some tea,but it was already the middle of the night so Raulio completely understood the woman's reasoning.

"Are you saying that she would be the one to feel the pain instead of the young captain?" Raulio could not help but ask. Earlier, Rosie had not explained anything to them and just did the treatment.

"Of course. Where do you think the curse would go? Did you see it go out of the Young Miss's body?"

"I " Raulio did not expect the woman's condescending attitude but completely understood it. After all, their young miss would be the one that would suffer after the treatment. Rosie's people must have tried to convince her not to do the treatment as it would damage her own body. Yet, she still did it.

If that was the case, they really owed her.

With this information, Raulio bid the woman goodbye and immediately went back to the lieutenant.

"Are you telling the truth?" Lieutenant Rustom Cordova frowned. He too had noticed that everyone's gazes toward them had changed after the Young Miss said that she is going to heal the captain. That must be the reason for the sudden shift in attitude.

"Yes, unfortunately, the Young Miss would be the one who would bear the brunt of the curse's effects' Raulio said. "The maid said that they were going to leave tomorrow. Are we going to let that happen?"

"Allowing them to leave?"

"Well "

"The master said that he cannot do anything about it if the Madam cannot find the weapon," Grace added. On that night, Martin informed her that they could actually help Dorothy but first, she needed to find the weapon that Rosalind used to stab their daughter.

"Mother "

Victoria immediately turned towards the large bed where Dorothy was laying.

"Mother '

"Dorothy, how are you feeling?" It was already nighttime, and soon, the pain of the curse would start again. For the next seven to eight hours, Dorothy would experience unimaginable pain. The worse thing was the fact that she could not even faint as the pain would once again wake her up.

Victoria had tried everything to help her daughter, but how could she fight against a curse made by the Dark Lord himself?

"I "

Grace handed Dorothy a cup of water with various herbs that were supposed to help her with the pain. This water had received some Blessings from Martin too.

She accepted it and finish the cup in one go.

Seeing her daughter desperately try to drink more of the water, Victoria could not help but cry. It felt like someone was crushing her heart into small, little, pieces and left her chest open and raw.

How could Rosalind do this?

"Is she still alive? Did you find her body?" Dorothy asked.

"I We are doing our best. Please do not worry about it. That woman shall receive her punishment in time!" Dorothy was supposed to be the one who had the blessing, yet Rosalind stole it.

Even this did not satisfy Rosalind, she even did her best to try and ruin Dorothy's life.

How could someone be so cruel?


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