Rosie's Games - Chapter 152

Published at 12th of April 2024 07:40:33 AM

Chapter 152: The Weird Duke 3

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Chapter 152: The Weird Duke 3

After that incident, the Duke and Rosalind plan to quietly leave the town of Toorin, but everything changed when a storm arrived. The snow was simply too thick for them to travel, so they were forced to stay in the inn until the storm passed. Of course, Rosalind took this opportunity to enjoy her bed. Another hobby that she had started doing was learning how to properly use a dagger.

To her surprise, the Duke fulfilled his promise and started teaching her how to defend herself.

"This is not as heavy as the dagger that you had," the Duke explained. Rosalind had already showen him the cursed Dagger that she used to stab Dorothy. Even the man said that the curse on that dagger was too strong. He did not ask how she obtained the dagger or even wondered out loud how she could materialize it out of nowhere.

For some reason, he was acting like he already knew everything about it in the first place.

"But this will do." The Duke handed her another black dagger. "You may use this dagger from now on."

"This is made of?"

"A beast's bone. Very durable. It could easily cut through both humans and anything else you wanted."

"Thank you."

"Most of the weapons in the North are made of beasts' bones. Even some cursed weapons started out as normal beast bones." Follow current novels on novelb((in).(com)

Rosalind nodded. "Now, you must "

"Sir, someone named Sheng wanted to talk to Miss Rosie."

"Sheng is awake?"

"Sheng?" the Duke's face turned ugly. "Is that the merchant?"

"Yes, and he wanted to talk to Miss Rosie."

"Did you tell him that she is occupied?"

"Yes Sir. But "

While talking about his experiences, he kept on glancing at Rosalind as if he wanted to say something but could not do so because the others were there.

"I want to thank you for everything. Thank you for saving me."

"It is not a problem," Fraunces answered. "It is our duty to help someone."

"Still, we don't know if the bandits were there waiting for someone to help us so they could use that opportunity to lay another ambush."

"That will not happen, we have good soldiers," Fraunces assured him. Hearing this, Rosalind only nodded. She thought Sheng would be alone for this conversation, but it seems that the man was with Fraunces.

"What are your plans after this?" Rosalind said.

"If you do not mind, I would like to stay in this town for a while. Then, I will talk to some merchants and ask them if they could give me a ride home." He gave her a meaningful gaze. "I will not forget this favor. I will repay you very soon."

Again, Rosalind nodded, it seemed that the man still remembered her. This would be a good thing. She could only hope she was not mistaken and that this man was indeed going to become very influential in the future.

After a short conversation, Rosie and the Duke went back to training. The Duke was able to show her some methods of attack, despite the fact that she was weaker and smaller than most people. All the methods taught were extremely dangerous to the enemy, and would either target a fatal point or something that could cripple her opponent.

At the end of the day, Rosalind lay in her bed, spent.

She did not know that learning how to defend herself would be this tiring. A part of her knew that this was for her own growth and that nothing came easy in this world, but still her limbs were shaking and her strength was gone!

After a few minutes, Rosalind started to feel sleepy. She started to close her eyes when out of nowhere, she shivered. She jolted up and looked around, but she could not find anyone. Was it her hallucination?

Shrugging, Rosalind closed her eyes. The next morning she received some devastating news.

The storm was over, she needed to say goodbye to the comfortable bed and start sleeping in the carriage again.


I am slowly editing the rest of the chapters. After this, I am going to focus on all past chapters. I am busy with exams this week so I was not able to give more chapters to Miss Editor but she is doing her best to help.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!