Rosie's Games - Chapter 153

Published at 12th of April 2024 07:40:32 AM

Chapter 153: Robbery 1

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Chapter 153 Robbery 1

"Did you know how was she able to get out of that room?" Until now, Victoria was still wondering how Rosalind managed to escape that night. She had so many unanswered questions, so many things that made her question what really happened back then.

"You were there Jeames... you must know."

"I did not hear anything," Jeames responded. "I— I only heard a thud and then I walked inside the room and she was gone."

"Do you think she could have used the light Blessing?" she looked at Loren.

"It could be. That woman was very clever," Loren responded.

"That does not make sense. That room was- that room prevented her from using her abilities. What about the knife? Have you asked her maid? That— Milith? Did you find her?"

"Unfortunately, we could not find her, she ran away shortly after Rosalind disappeared. Our people are busy looking for some cure or anything that could lessen the Young Miss's pain. Moreover, Milith is from the slums and should have ties there. Looking for someone in that place can be very difficult."

"But not impossible."

"Then, I will start looking for that woman again."

"Good. The fact that we did not find any corpse could mean that Rosalind is still alive." As long as Rosalind was alive then there should be hope for her daughter.

"I will find her," Jeames said. "That woman did something so horrible to Dorothy, I cannot let this matter go until I find her body or kill her!"

"I have finally heard some news from Federico..." Victoria stated. "He still wants Dorothy to marry into that household. Even though I have already begged and kneeled in front of him, he still wants to send her into that wolf's den! What cruelty!" She really could not wait to end that old man!

"That man will never touch her in this state," Jeames said. "I believe it might be safer for her to marry him for now and move into his estate. We can stay with her under the pretense of taking care of her. I am certain that the Delibar family would not dare touch her or us."

Victoria fell silent and stared at Jeames. After a few minutes, she finally nodded. After giving it much thought, Dorothy is indeed safer away from this place. Right now, Federico was thinking of cutting off loose ends and that included getting rid of the members of the Lux Family whom he thought were unworthy. Given Dorothy's state, she was clearly unworthy of being a Lux.

"Very well, I will arrange for her to enter the main gates of the Delibar family without having a proper wedding ceremony." Right now, Dorothy had lost too much weight and would not be able to stand long enough to finish the ceremony. Victoria had already caught her trying to hurt herself twice, and she knew that this behavior would only escalate after some time.

"Madam, I believe there is a much more concerning matter," Loren said. "The patriarch informed me that we shall not leave the premises for some time. Apparently, there is a curse that is slowly infecting the people in the slums. For some reason, it seems that the Lux Family is not doing much about it. The patriarch even thought that they might have something to do with the spread of the curse."

"How does it spread?" Victoria asked.

But how could he allow a sorcerer who had worshiped the Dark Lord for centuries show off in front of him and the Empire!?

"Do not talk to me about this matter!' Federico said.

"But father, what about the lives that will be lost?"

"Who cares about those people's lives? They are nothing! Go and make some arrangements. I am going to visit the temple to pray to the Goddess. It has been so long, perhaps she needs more sacrifices."

"Yes, father."

"And call the Baron and the Count. We need them to do the dirty deeds for us."

"Father, what about His Majesty and the Crown Prince?"

"What of them?"

"There has been a problem lately."

"Another problem?"

"One day, a maid from one of the other houses visited me and told me something and I believe you should be informed."

"What is it?" Federico frowned.

"Marie Lux might be pregnant, and the father is one of the Princes."

"One of the Princes? Who?"

"It might be the Crown Prince, however, Marie is refusing to say anything about the matter."

"No. That's impossible, the Crown Prince cannot bear any children."


"It might be possible that she is seeing another prince, but Lawrence Goosebourne can no longer bear children because of the curse in his body. There is no way that he is the father."

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