Rosie's Games - Chapter 159

Published at 12th of April 2024 07:38:16 AM

Chapter 159: Little Kitten

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Chapter 159: Little Kitten

"I did not expect you to do that"

Rosalind heard the Duke's voice before she could see him. Was he here to scold her for what she did? Was it because she scared Fraunces too much?

If the man really cared for Fraunces then why not just marry her?

The sudden influx of thoughts surprised Rosalind. She could feel her face turn hot from her embarrassing thoughts. What was happening to her?

"Are you here to tell me not to do that again?" she asked.

"The opposite."


"I expected you to do worse."

"Did you want me to kill one of your people for simply taunting me?" she asked. Did he think she was that petty?

"No, but I expected you to be colder."

"Colder" she snorted. She sat down opposite him. The carriage's warmth immediately made her comfortable. She glanced at the tea in the Duke's hands. It looked hot, but when did he brew it?

She only left the carriage for a couple of minutes to confront Fraunces.

"She's your person." Isn't that the only reason why she was hesitating to hurt Fraunces? Moreover, the woman hadn't really done anything that would warrant her ire. Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

Rosalind felt like she was an old woman bullying someone not even half her age. To her, Fraunces was simply having a crush, however, the moment that woman did something that would put her in danger, Rosalind would punish her.

"I am planning to stay in the North for a very long time, your Grace," she said. "I do not want to offend anyone." And be dragged into a world of scheming and petty tricks by people who wanted to bring her down. She did not want to be that jarring to the eyes of the Northerners.

After all, she was considered a tourist, someone who was not born in the North.

"You have changed," the Duke said.


"Your hair it was no longer as white as before. It is now gray. I believe it would change from time to time especially after your abilities improved."

Is it?

She immediately held her long hair. She did not notice it as she was not staring at a mirror all the time. She had been thinking about the vision that she saw in that temple and mostly spent her time with the Duke practicing various ways to protect herself. That and not one of her maids mention anything about her hair.

"Why do you think it changed?" she asked. Actually, the change that the Duke was talking about was very subtle. It would be something that one would only notice after staring at her previous hair color and this color for a long time.

The thought of him staring at her made her frown. Somehow, the idea made her feel irritated.

"Give me your hand" the Duke said before he used a dagger to cut his own palm

"What are you have you lost your mind?"

"Heal it," the Duke said.

Without saying a word, she held his palm and immediately used her light Blessing to heal it. To her surprise, she found it easier to use the Blessing this time. It felt like warm water, harmonious and one with her intentions.

"This "

She let go and stared at his palm. The wound was no longer there.

"It seems that once again, you have gotten stronger."


I still owe everyone a mass release! Thank you for your support!

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