Rosie's Games - Chapter 163

Published at 12th of April 2024 07:37:50 AM

Chapter 163: Miu 1

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Chapter 163: Miu 1

Lurea Thun.

The name did not ring a bell.

Rosalind watched as Lurea started cutting the horns off the wolf. From time to time, she would stop and look at the trees as if she was looking for something, as if she was looking for them. Rosalind could not help but wonder how it was that she was able to sense their presence. Was it just instinct?


Rosalind flinched when Ena suddenly sent a bolt of lightning to her daughter. In response, Lurea's body was thrown away and hit a tree. Her cloak fell off her head, revealing a face full of scars and purplish veins. Rosalind covered her mouth in surprise.

Lurea grunted, pain apparent on her face.

"I told you to pay attention. Focus Lurea. The world is a battleground. One wrong move and you are dead."

Lurea wiped the blood that trickled down her lips and got up.

"I apologize mother."

"What good does an apology do? If I was your enemy, you would have died by that bolt of lightning. Could you still apologize when dead?"

Lurea just lowered her head without saying a word.

"Cover your ugly appearance. How could you show that face to anyone else? Go ahead and finish that wolf. I am going to go find the tiger."

"Yes, mother."

"And Lurea?"


"Stop calling me mother, especially in front of other people."

The other person behind the cloak chuckled.

"Yes, your Blessedness." Follow current novels on novelb((in).(com)

"Hmmm..." Ena nodded. Then she left Lurea to do her job. This time, Lurea did not look at the trees again. Instead, she focused on removing the horns from the wolf, using a spatial bag to store them. However, before Lurea left, she lifted her gaze and stare straight at where Rosalind and Lucas were staying.

Then she turned and walked away.

"That" Rosalind did not know what to say.

"Can you maintain the illusion?" he asked.


"Good let us follow her."

Rosalind wanted to say no but she could not do it. Not after she saw Lurea's face and the treatment that Ena had given her very own daughter. The Duke swiftly jumped and landed on the next branch, hopping and gliding without leaving any trace or sound. It seemed unimaginable and Rosalind knew that not many people would believe her if she told them about the Duke's skills.

However, something like this was happening right in front of her very eyes, how could she deny it. She looked at him. "It will get darker soon. What about them?"

"Denys is with them, they will continue the journey."

"Oh" That is very convenient indeed.

The two of them quietly followed Lurea until she reached the others. By now, they had already seen the dead tiger that the Duke killed.

"It died with a sword," Ena muttered. "I told you not to touch it! Now the youngling is gone! Tsk!"

"Your Blessedness, please spare us," Ena's men immediately started kneeling and kowtowing to her, their foreheads banging against the snow and mud in front of them.

"We cannot go in there."

"Not when there is still light," Lucas said.

"I cannot use my illusion when there is no light."

"What you can do with the light can be done with the darkness."

"Now, what does that mean?" she asked. However, instead of explaining, Lucas shrugged and told her that they needed to catch up to the others. After about an hour of jumping from one branch to another, they were finally able to catch up to Denys and their patry. That was when she realized that they were not able to kill the tigers from earlier as the two ran away when Rosalind and the Duke left.

"What are you planning to do with that?" Lucas asked, gesturing at the sleeping tiger. He told her that it was a newborn youngling, but the tiger was already as big as a mature cat. It was silently sleeping in her lap. "You cannot keep that thing. It would put you in danger."

"I know," keeping a beast as a pet was unheard of, however, something about the tiger was really bothering her. She could not understand it. "Is there another way?" she asked.

"Other ways to keep it by your side?"

She nodded.

For a few seconds, he said nothing. "There are ways," he started. "But all of them would end up getting you in trouble. This is something that Ena wanted after all. This thing we should just kill it."

Rosalind immediately hugged the tiger. "What are you talking about!? The baby is not doing anything."

"Right now, but in a few months, it would grow and make you its dinner."

"You" For some reason, she had a feeling that he did not mean those words. It was as if he was not taking her seriously. Did he perhaps think she was trying to make him laugh? This irritated her.

"I want to keep it," she said.


Without saying a word, she touched the head of the tiger. If she could absorb the darkness from things and humans then, why can't she do it on an animal?

However, it did not take too long before her expression changed. Visions flooded her head and an excruciating pain then wrecked her body. She heard herself scream and she felt his strong arms surrounding her.

Rosalind could hear a voice soothing her but it was not enough to numb the pain that started in her head. Then in her chest. Then her stomach.

"This Is the only one who survived," a voice rang inside her ears.

"After the fight?"


"And all of them received that relic?"


"What are you waiting for? Give it more of those relics! I want to see if the youngling will die in its stomach or if it will it survive and get all the powers of the relics."

"Yes sir."

Those were memories.

This time it was from the young tiger in her lap.


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