Rosie's Games - Chapter 167

Published at 12th of April 2024 07:37:43 AM

Chapter 167: Curses 3

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Chapter 167: Curses 3

"I am stating the truth! The woman said that she could take away the pain." Jeames insisted.

"How could someone treat a curse like that? Even the Blessed "

"Are you still going to think about those people?" Jeames asked Victoria.

"How dare you cut me off! Have you lost your mind?" Victoria hissed, her foxy eyes narrowed. Almost immediately, Loren appeared behind Jeames, a dagger glinted in his hand.

"I have seen Dorothy suffer because of the curse, all I want is for her to feel better." Jeames was not planning on backing down. He looked at Dorothy was who lying on the bed.

It was already night and the pain was once again wreaking havoc inside her body. She had fainted and then had been woken up from the pain again. "Let us accept it, the Lux Family has long abandoned you and Dorothy," Jeames added.

"You dare say that in front of me!?" Victoria slammed her hand on the table, the teacup resting on it broke from the force. It shattered into hundreds of small, little pieces that immediately cut her hand. Despite this, she continued glaring at Jeames.

"I am still someone from the Lux Family!" she insisted.

"Then when was the last time you have seen your own husband? Or maybe even talked to him?"


"Federico and your husband abandoned Dorothy like a dirty rag. All I want is to help her. If you think maintaining etiquette is more important than your own daughter, then feel free to stay here. I am going to take Dorothy to see that woman."

"Are you out of your mind!?" Victoria screeched. "Dorothy is someone from the Lux Family! How dare you take her to see some random woman from the slums! Do you think"

"Dorothy is going to die," Jeames said. His words somehow calmed Victoria down. It had been a very stressful week. Everything from Dorothy's wedding to the rumors hiding the real situation had been handled by Victoria. She had not had any decent sleep for the past few days! Victoria looked at her daughter.

Hopelessness surrounded her heart.

Dorothy was no longer the Dorothy that Victoria raised. Right now, the woman only had a blank gaze. She no longer spoke a word or seemed to care about anything else. She was but a shell of a person.

Again, hate and fury filled her heart.

Victoria let out a surprise squeak and quickly moved behind Jeames, fear apparent in her eyes.

"You are back," the same voice as before welcomed Jeames. Again, the woman was standing at the spot where she stood earlier. She was holding the same teapot and teacup. Again, the woman poured the contents of the tea before she said, "Sweet tea?"

It was the same exact voice, the same exact creepy smile.

"W We are here to ask you what you want. We will pay you anything as long as you tell us the method to help her."

"Oh? Anything?"

"Anything," it was Victoria who answered her.

"Ah you brought guests," the woman said. She was acting as if she did not see Victoria walk through the door. "Another one with the smell of the curse."

"I I am her mother and" Victoria swallowed, the poise and grace that she always had were no longer there. In front of a sorceress like this Victoria could only swallow her pride. After all, it was no secret that every sorcerer harnessed the powers of the Dark Lord. Sorcerers could easily kill someone like her if they wanted to. "And Jeames told me about everything. I am willing to give you anything."

"Anything?" the woman repeated. Then she started walking towards the old piano.

"Anything at all. Gold, lands, houses, businesses."


"Foolish human," the woman said after she pressed the same key that she pressed the last time that Jeames was here. The similarity in her posture and everything else did not sit well with him. For some reason, he felt like he was watching a play instead of talking to someone real.

"I I will give anything," Victoria said.

"Then beg me," the woman gave a tight-lipped smile. "And I will say."


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