Rosie's Games - Chapter 181

Published at 12th of April 2024 07:37:20 AM

Chapter 181: The Duke's Impotence

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Chapter 181: The Duke's Impotence

"The Prince and Princess had been holed up in their room since they announced that the Count is alive. Even the Marchioness had been staying in her room. First, she insisted on seeing the Count, but we are not allowing anyone near him until he fully recovers," Denys reported as Rosalind and the Duke ate their breakfast.

Rosalind could feel the man's gaze towards her so, she lifted her eyes and met his red orbs.

"Which will not take that long considering that everything both in and out of his body has been healed," Denys added.

"Hmmm continue guarding the Count and send the maids in here."

"Yes, your Grace." Denys bowed before leaving them inside the room.


"Nothing?" Prince Baltazar snarled at his wife when he heard that they had no idea how the Duke was able to heal the Count. "No! Something must have happened! How could someone heal a curse? That is impossible! I refuse to believe it!"

"The people I have spoken to said that the Duke never had anyone by his side who could heal a curse. Moreover, the only ones capable of healing are those from the Blessed family in the Aster Empire. The Blessing of the light is capable of healing internal wounds so if someone from that family is with the Duke we would immediately" Read latest chapters at nov(e) Only

"No," the Prince said. "The Lux Family would never allow a member of their family to accompany the Duke to the battlefield." The Prince had heard the stories about the failed awakening and knew that there were only two Blessed individuals in that household. How could they allow one of them to fight in the North? "Inform them about the changes. The survival of the Count could change our plans."

"It was the woman who gave water to the Count."

Memories of the beautiful woman resurfaced in the Prince's head. "The Duke never stayed with a woman in the past. At least I have never heard of a woman being involved with the Duke." Many women who showed interest in the Duke would just suddenly die because of various reasons.

"Are you certain you heard it right?" he confirmed.

"My maid saw the Duke carrying a woman to his chambers. Then this morning, she heard the maids talking about that woman's clothes in tatters on the floor."

"In In tatters?" the Prince widened his eyes. "Are you saying that the Duke and this woman might have some special relationship?"

"That was what everyone is saying. Even the maids in the hallway were whispering about it. Someone even said that when they brought water for the Duke and the woman to wash, the Duke was still naked from the waist up, and the woman was not even acting awkward in that situation."

When Prince Baltazar frowned, the Princess added. "Think about it; we have not heard of the woman before so I am going to assume that she is from the South. In the South, people can be very traditional and would never allow a man and a woman to stay in a single room. Yet the two of them were acting as if as if they were already married."

"Do you think they are married?"

"I do not know," the crown princess shrugged before she enjoyed her tea. "But if the Duke married someone, it is going to create waves. All this time, many thought that he was simply impotent and did not want to reveal his secrets. If he marries someone what do you think would happen to the families of the women that he killed in the past?"

Although there was no proof that it was indeed the Duke who killed them, the coincidence was simply too much. After all, everyone who showed an interest in the Duke would end up dying. Just the thought made the Princess smile.

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