Rosie's Games - Chapter 226

Published at 12th of April 2024 07:35:48 AM

Chapter 226: Another Entity

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Chapter 226: Another Entity

Screams of pain echoed inside the dark and wet dungeon. The sounds of agony were accompanied by the smell of blood and feces. Victoria covered her nose, but soon started feeling nauseous.

She could not take it. The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

"Let me take you outside," Martin immediately offered. Even though they had been fighting in the past few weeks, Martin still respected his wife. Just as he was about to touch her arm, Victoria moved away from him and walked outside on her own. Seeing this, Martin could only sigh.

He was about to follow her when another scream pierced though the air.

"Are we going to let her do this?" Martin asked. Whatever was happening inside sounded horrible.

"It was the Goddess that told her to do so."

"Father, you" Martin stopped talking, his lips thinned. He could only frown and wait for Dorothy to call them. However, this current incident seemed to prove his father's previous assumption.

Not long after, a sweaty Dorothy walked out of the cell and told them to check on the knight. To their surprise, the knight was completely healed.

Federico's attitude immediately changed. He immediately asked Dorothy to take some well deserved rest as he discussed things with Martin.

"What about Anthony?" Martin asked. He was talking about Dorothy's legal husband, the son of Count Delibar, Anthony Delibar.

"They have yet to consummate their marriage. A divorce letter will be sent to the Delibar family tomorrow," Federico said. They had already sent Dorothy and Victoria away as they still needed to discuss things about Dorothy's marriage.

Since Dorothy did not have the Blessing, there was no reason for her not to marry a random nobleman. However, now that she received the will of the Goddess, her marriage needed to be annulled as soon as possible.

"Spread the news about the will of the Goddess!" Federico said. He opened a new bottle of wine and poured his own drink.

"What about healing the"

"Martin, have I not taught you enough?"


Federico let out an exhausted sigh. "See, this is the reason I cannot just let you be. I am no longer the patriarch of the Lux Household and yet here we are, you are still running into me to fix your problems. When will you ever learn?"

A deafening silence filled the room as Dorothy met her grandfather's fiery gaze.

"You are willing to leave your own family and even disobey my orders just because of the Goddess?"

"The Goddess is everything."

Again, Federico snorted. Then he nodded. "Very well you win."


"Let me finish my words, Martin Lux." Federico downed his wine and got up. Then he approached Dorothy. "You will do everything to heal the people. You shall become what the Goddess wants you to be, a maiden who is following the Goddess' will."

"Thank you, grandfather."

"There is no need to thank me, young lady," Federico chuckled. "Both of us just want to follow our own ways. Your stubbornness saved you. Now go, I will inform you about your marriage and the Emperor's edict that should come as early as tomorrow."

"Thank you!" Dorothy smiled. Out of nowhere, she pulled the old man into a hug. Then she left without saying another word.

"It seems that her Blessedness really favored Dorothy," Martin commented, his expression cold.

"Her Blessedness, the Goddess, does not favor anyone but the bold Martin. You should know that by now."

"If she starts treating people, then the sacrifice"

Federico chuckled as he looked at his son. Earlier, he already knew that Dorothy was listening, so he warned Martin not to say anything about this matter. Martin who had been obedient all his life immediately complied. Just as he expected, Dorothy barged in, insisting that she heal everyone and follow the will of the Goddess.

"Are you certain that whoever it is inside her body is no longer Dorothy?" Martin asked. When he first told his father about this matter, Federico immediately said another entity had possessed Dorothy. This is why Federico did not want to tell the other families about her. After all, most Blessed individuals could feel another soul inside a human's body.

"Have you seen your daughter act like that in the past?" Federico sneered. "Even you know that this is no longer your daughter. You are just too prideful to accept that you are wrong."

Martin pursed his lips. In fact, he wanted to doubt his father's words, he wanted to believe that this was still Dorothy. However, her actions and words did not make any sense. How could someone change so much?

In the end, Martin listened to his father's words. That woman was no longer his daughter.

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