Rosie's Games - Chapter 239

Published at 12th of April 2024 07:35:15 AM

Chapter 239: The Demonic Beast

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Chapter 239: The Demonic Beast

"You did not even wait for midnight to sneak out. You even had the audacity to leave knowing everyone else was still awake."

Rosalind stilled when she heard Magda's voice. She slowly turned around and removed her hood. Magda was standing on the dark side of the room so she did not notice her earlier. For some reason, she felt silly. She felt like someone who was sneaking out to meet a lover!

"I was strolling," Rosalind smiled. She was too preoccupied with that kiss, she forgot to check if someone was inside the room.

"Right. Strolling in the middle of a snowy night is something very creative."

"I know," Rosalind removed her robe and walked towards her bed. Her heart was still racing against her chest. This wasn't the first time that they kissed, but this time was different. It was something else.

"Did you try to go to the mansion?" Magda narrowed at her.

"No. Why would I do that?"

"Did someone tell you that you are a very bad liar?"

"No." Rosalind shook her head. She faced the serious-looking Magda and said, "I'm sorry. I will probably not do that again."

Magda sighed. "Even if you do it again, the least that you could do is inform me about it. I do not want to panic when I can't find you. His Grace will have my head if something happens to you. I"





"What was that?" Rosalind raced towards the window as she heard a bell tolling from somewhere. "It was already dead of the night, what was that for?" Actually, she was thankful for the bell as it allowed her to change the subject.

"It means a large beast is approaching the gates."

"The gates?"

"The gates that separate the Beast Lands and Wugari."

"Beast Lands?" Rosalind frowned.

"We call it the Beast Lands because it was the land of the Beasts."

"Why can we hear the bell here?" Rosalind asked.

"No, I am good." Rosalind said and turned to her left when she heard another bell. "We must hurry."

However, Magda did not move. "If the Duke hears about this"

"He will not."

"He will probably have my head on a platter."

"At least he would not throw it away," Rosalind answered almost immediately.


"Go now!" Rosalind beamed before she disappeared.

Seeing this, Magda shook her head and smiled.

Just as Magda told her, the gates were really not that far away from where the Tower was located. She did not have the exact distance, but Rosalind knew that ten kilometers would be a good estimate. Still, she actually thought that the horse that Magda used would not be able to manage to arrive in time.

She was wrong.

It seemed that the horse was so used to the harsh conditions that this place had to offer. While the thickness of the snow affected it, it wasn't able to slow it down that much.

It took them about twenty minutes to arrive at the location.

Rosalind looked at the tall walls made of what looked like black relics. It looked ominous under the darkness of the night. Rosalind eyed the large stairs.

"What is the situation," Magda immediately asked. Rosalind was just standing next to Magda so she could clearly hear her words. While talking, Magda and the man who welcomed her started climbing the stairs.

Rosalind silently followed.

"It has been three hours since the beasts started attacking the walls. It has been quiet for the past few days yet it was very different today. They seemed agitated by something. They are not even interested in eating the wounded soldiers; it seems that they just want to destroy the walls."

"That is futile," Magda said.

"Exactly, but most soldiers have been injured by the other demonic beasts earlier. I was forced to ask for help as there seems to be more of them coming from the west."

Rosalind and the rest looked at where the man had pointed. Just as he said, different beasts that Rosalind did not seem to recognize were currently fighting with some soldiers. However, she also spotted someone familiar.

A man with almost white hair with a mysterious yet handsome countenance.


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