Rosie's Games - Chapter 249

Published at 12th of April 2024 07:34:29 AM

Chapter 249: Sweets and Stories

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Chapter 249: Sweets and Stories

"The Dark Lord is not human," Queen Aurinda continued. "I am certain you already know this from the books that the South possesses."

"Yes. Since we were children, it was already known that the Dark Lord used to be a god."

"Now, the North has a different story," Queen Aurinda said as she looked at one of the consorts. "Please give me more tea, thank you."

"Different story?"

"One of these days, I will show you the precious paintings that were done by experts from the past. Those paintings possess some secrets that the south end of the continent refused to teach their children. I am certain that it would entice you to learn more about the history that the seven families wanted to bury."


"Oh please, these are mere stories that we grew up with," Aurinda waved dismissively at the King as she snorted. "Stories can be true or false. It is up to the Duchess if she believes them."

Rosalind gave them an awkward smile. She did not know why they wanted to talk to her about this now, or why they would act like they were uneasy around her. Was it because of the Duke?

Their conversation soon started going towards what happened at the walls. It wasn't exactly something new, since beasts have always been attacking the gates for centuries. However, even the King said that the beast's behavior was alarming this time.

"When the first attack in Cirid was reported. They said that the beasts were acting very aggressive as well," King Marlin said. "I wonder if this is indeed the beast tide."

"Duke Rothley already said so. Unfortunately, Cirid did not believe us. It is not our fault it cannot be our fault," Queen Aurinda answered.

After this, the King decided that it was time for dinner. By then, they had already been inside the greenhouse for more than an hour. While Rosalind was in a little hurry because of the apparent danger that might happen at the walls, she had no choice but to stay with them for dinner.

"That one is called Snowdrift Chai. It is a mixture of the northern bitter tea, petals of white flowers, cinnamon, and ginger. It's sweetened with honey and a little bit of steamed milk. I hope you will enjoy it."

Rosalind nodded. Judging by how the Queen describes the food, it was pretty obvious that she was just like Rosalind! Someone who enjoyed their food.

"I am planning to help them out," Rosalind said. "But I am only trying to make myself familiar with the beasts in the walls."

"As the Duchess, your actions are bound to get both criticism and praise from the other noble families. I hope you are prepared for that."

Rosalind wanted to say that she did not care, but only ended up nodding her head. She wanted to explore her Blessing and she could only use it in the middle of a battlefield.

"This is delicious," Rosalind said after she tasted the snowdrift chai. Indeed, everything that the Queen gave her was very full of different flavors. This was very different from when Countess Marchiana and Princess Freda asked her to join them for tea time.

"To be honest, I am surprised that the four pillars of the Rothley Family agreed to let you stay on the battlefield. After all, you are the first Duchess of Rothley."

"It was pretty easy to convince them." Once again, Rosalind started eating the desserts. Since she had been frequently using her Blessing, she had been feeling very hungry and, despite eating a lot, she had not gained any weight.

Or at least, that was the excuse that she wanted to tell herself while eating sweets.


Fb page: Author B.Mitchylle

For updates and just encouragement from a stress anxiety filled person like me.

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