Rosie's Games - Chapter 25

Published at 12th of April 2024 08:12:37 AM

Chapter 25: Causing Chaos 2

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Chapter 25: Causing Chaos 2

"Oh, no. I just " Rosalind lowered her head. "I had a glimpsed of him once."

"Oh? A glimpse? I heard no one has ever seen his face. Was he good-looking?"

"Good looking? I heard he was scary with a long beard and a large scar on his face," someone chimed in.

"I heard he always wears a mask in public and that might be because of his hideous appearance."

"Have you heard about his cruelty in the North?"

"There were rumors that even the King would bow down to him. It was even said that he was the one running the kingdom behind the scenes."

"The Northerners are barbarians. They love killing people and bathing in their enemy's blood."

"I think you shouldn't talk about the Duke like that," Dorothy joined the conversation. "Despite everything, he is the one protecting us from the horrors of the North. We are safe here because of the Duke's strength."

"These are mere rumors, Young Lady," Marie said.

"Still, talking about someone in their absence isn't a very desirable trait," Dorothy insisted.

Hearing this, Rosalind couldn't help but smile inwardly. Naturally, Dorothy didn't want Rosalind to hear about these rumors. She didn't want her sister to know the truth about the Duke.

"I think talking about the Duke like that is disrespectful," Rosalind uttered meekly. "Older sister is right. He is fighting for everyone in the North, sacrificing his people for us to be safe. Talking behind his back is discourteous."

The table turned silent. She knew all of them had different things in their mind but she didn't care. All she wanted was to create more rumors until the Lux Family had no choice but to give her to the Duke.

"Speaking of the Duke, I heard there will be a hunting ceremony very soon," Dorothy said, completely changing the topic. "Usually, they only invite the unmarried eldest daughter of each family, but If you want, I can ask father to make an exception."

"You dare!? You are not a member of the Lux Family!"

"As Lady Dorothy's official guard, I have the right to command all the guards to escort someone I deem as harmful to the Lady."

"Harmful to the Lady? If you have forgotten, then let me remind you. Lady Dorothy did not receive the Blessing." Marie's face turned red as she looked at every other person at the table. "Everyone knows that one of the people at this table here is going to receive it, but that is not the Lady. Are you certain you are willing to take the risk and treat one of the people here as trash?"

"This how could you say something like that to Lady Dorothy, Marie? You should apologize!" someone said.

"Did I say something wrong?" Marie said. "You can drag me out of this gathering now, but I assure you I will never forgive this blunder! You must pray and you pray to the Goddess very well that I don't end up with the Blessing or" She narrowed at everyone else. "All of you will suffer!"

Seeing everyone's expression change, Marie snorted.

"There is no need to escort me out." Marie narrowed at Jeames. "I will remember this."

With that, she marched out of the gathering, her head held high, a smug smile appeared on her lips.

"Sister " Rosalind said, her eyes already tearing up. She had to pinch her palm to stop herself from smiling at Marie's words. It seems that she had chosen the best person to distract Dorothy. "It's my fault," Rosalind said. "I apologize."

"No." Dorothy used a napkin and dabbed it on her lips. "Marie is right. I don't think I have the right to act like this in front of everyone. I do not have the Blessing and " she swallowed hard. "I am still expecting everyone to join the welcome banquet. For now, let us go back to our quarters and rest. Jeames please escort Rosalind back to "

"No," Rosalind said. Her expression changed when she realized that she said that out loud. "I mean it's my elder sister who isn't feeling well. Jeames, please escort sister to her room. I will be fine on my own."

"Are you certain?" Jeames asked. Obviously, the man was worried about her beloved.

"Yes," Rosalind smiled. "My sister needs you, Jeames. Please take care of her." The two of them deserve each other, she thought inwardly. It would be best that they stick together in this lifetime.


Chap 26-79 still editing. 80 Up is already edited. I found the editor when I was writing chapter 80 :)

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!