Rosie's Games - Chapter 260

Published at 12th of April 2024 07:33:53 AM

Chapter 260: Delicious Crumbs

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Chapter 260: Delicious Crumbs

"His Grace is here!" Milith said as she used the brooch that was included with her cape to clasp it around her neck. Read latest chapters at nov(e) Only

"Thanks, Milith," Rosalind said. She walked towards the door where the Duke was waiting. Apparently, it is still a bit rude to let a man inside a woman's room when they had yet to marry officially in the North.

Right now, Rosalind was thinking that the reason why the Duke sneaked into her room in the middle of the night was that he did not want to ruin her reputation in the North. After all, Rosalind just arrived and many people were curious about her and the Duke's relationship.

The door opened and she immediately saw his tall figure casting a shadow on the snowy ground. His black hair was swept back from his face and the wild air around him was gone. She did not like the fact that he was wearing another mask to hide the upper part of his face.

He was already staring at the door as if he was anxious for it to open. Lucas was dressed in all black and an equally black cape was draped over his broad shoulders, fluttering in the wind. Surprisingly, she immediately noticed how his cape was similar to the one that he just gave her.

She smiled as she noticed the intensity of his stare. There was something undeniably magnetic about him.

Then he held a hand out towards her.

She took a step towards him before she placed her gloved hand in his.

"How do you like the cape?" he asked.

"It is beautiful."

"I caught the wolf a few years back. It was a demonic one."

"Magda told me about it," she said just as they arrived in front of the carriage. He assisted her up before he followed her inside.

Then the carriage started moving.

"Where are we going?' she asked.

"I will show you around the capital."

"Thank you." She was hoping that he would take her to a place with some food. After slaving herself on the walls, she had been so hungry, she felt like she could eat enough for ten people or more.

Did that sound logical?

Perhaps not.

However, her body's demand for food might be proportional to how many Blessings she used.

"Magda told me that another attack happened last night?"

"Ah the cookies." He nodded and then handed her another box of the same cookies. Rosalind's eyes sparkled.

"Snacks," he uttered. "The ride will be long."

Rosalind said nothing. She had been to the palace to visit the King and Queen and she knew that it wasn't exactly that far from the mansion. Still, she accepted the cookies with glee. After all, this was a free gift.

And since this was a gift, she needed to eat it immediately to show the one who gifted it to her that she liked it.

Soon enough, Rosalind quickly finished three large cookies. Since there were only five, she chose to save the other two for tonight.

"I thought we were giving you enough food?" he asked.

"Oh, you were."

"How do you explain the hunger? Did they starve you while I was gone?" he asked.

"It is the Blessing."


"I get hungry when I use it."

This time, he said nothing and just stared at her.

"What?" she frowned as he leaned closer. Instinctively she leaned back until her back hit the cushion of the seat. "What?" she asked.

He was already close too close. She could now see his long perfectly curled lashes. Seeing his face grow closer and closer, she closed her eyes.

Then she felt him touch the side of her lips.

"You left crumbs," he said.

When she opened her eyes, he was already back where he was sitting earlier. To her surprise, he put his thumb on his mouth and licked it. "It's delicious, isn't it?" he asked.

"Huh?" she blinked. What was delicious?

"The cookie crumbs," he answered.


So, I started doing Chloe Ting's exercise challenge. It is for 28 days. Today is my 3rd day and I had a fever. My body hurts too much. T.T

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