Rosie's Games - Chapter 267

Published at 12th of April 2024 07:33:44 AM

Chapter 267: Rosalind's Suspicions

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Chapter 267: Rosalind's Suspicions

"Young Miss!"

"You should probably start calling me Madam," Rosalind smiled before she drank her tea. Then she focused her attention on the book in her hand. Currently, she was reading some information about the Dark Lord and the beasts, as well as the North. Rosalind had already decided that she would fight on those walls.

So she knew that she needed to familiarize herself with everything in the North.

This was the only thing she could do to keep her mind off of everything. She simply did not want to think about Lucas.

"Young Madam, Miss Magda just left a while ago."

Rosalind lifted an eyebrow. "Why?"

"It seemed that there is an emergency at the walls," Milith shivered. "Young Miss, this place is frightening," Milith added. "Just a few days ago, when that bell rang, I thought we were going to die. Do you think Wugari could withstand an attack like that every night?"

"Is there a reason for it not to stand against the beasts? This place has been fighting against those beasts for centuries. I would be surprised if it fell just because of a beast tide."

"But I heard beast tides can be very dangerous."

Rosalind nodded as she closed her book and then found a robe.

"I will visit the gates," Rosalind said. "Ah, go to Elias and the others. Tell them to meet me there," she instructed before she used her teleportation to visit the nearest gate.

Once she arrived, she received news that Magda and the Duke were actually at the other gates.

"Ah, Young Madam," the one who greeted her was the giant of the Etonde family, the current head. "I am surprised to see you here. However, this time, the attack is not here. It is on that side of the walls."


"Some of my people wanted to personally meet you, Young Madam, do you have the"

"I apologize Sir, but I heard that the Duke is at the walls? I am worried that"

"Have you seen His Grace fight?"

"Well, I did."

"Then you should already know by now that he is extremely powerful. No one could withstand a blow from him." Seeing her blank reaction, Mr. Etonde sighed. "Alright I will ask someone to lead you to him."

"There is no need. I can go there on my own. Although, I am curious if the young Moller had been here?"

"Moller? Are you talking about Clinton Moller, Duke Moller's only son?" Etonde asked.


"Well, he " Etonde looked around. "Hey, you! Call Clinton Moller! Tell him the Young Madam is looking for him."

While Rosalind chose not to stop him. For some reason, she could not forget that man's sinister gaze when she saw him the other day.

Moreover, Clinton should not have been on that wall.

Was it just a coincidence that Clinton Moller was there while the tide was happening? Sadly for the young Moller, Rosalind no longer believed in coincidences.

"General Etonde, we cannot find him, Sir."

"What are you talking about? What do you mean, you cannot find him. Didn't I tell him to stay in the supplies room?"

"He is not there."

Etonde gave her an awkward look.

"Hmmm" Rosalind nodded.

"We are here"

"Are we late?"


Rosalind looked at Elias's, Valentin's, and Captain Gaudy's expressions when they saw the lone man standing outside of the walls.

"Isn't that the Duke of Wugari?" Valentin asked.

"Yes," Rosalind nodded.


Rosalind could not blame them for their reaction. Right now, everyone on the gates had the same dumbstruck reaction on their faces. Each of them stood tall and proud with their chests puffed and their chins lifted as they stared at their Duke the Duke of Wugari, Duke Lucas Rothley.

"How could one person do something like that?" Captain Gaudy asked. "If someone like that was in Cirid then that place would not have fallen."

Rosalind said nothing. The future already changed and she had no idea what was going to happen next. However, knowing that this man was standing next to her was enough to at least give her the relief that she wanted.

"Elias" Rosalind called out. "Can you find someone for me?"


"Clinton Moller," Rosalind said. "I am not certain if you have been in before"

"I have."

"I believe he is currently on these walls or in the barracks," Rosalind said.


"I want you to find him."

"Should I kill him?"

"No. Keep him alive," Rosalind said. "I have questions to ask."


"You are not going to ask me anything else?" she turned towards him. Right now, both Elias and Valentin have black hair. They looked normal, ordinary. Only she and the Duke knew about their potential.

"Are you going to answer my questions?" he fired back.


"Then what was the point of wasting my time?"

Rosalind snorted. "Please find him for me. If he is doing something, follow him. Once he does something that could harm anyone or anything suspicious, I want you to take him to the tower."

She met his eyes and did not miss the sinister glint on his orbs. "Alive, Elias," she said. "Breathing."

"Alright," Elias shrugged before he left. For some reason, Rosalind had a hunch that he would not exactly follow her words. She could only hope that he would not kill the young Moller.



I caught a flu! Someone told me that this might be because I over-exhaust myself with working out and lack of sleep. Ah! I don't know what to say. I would like to apologize for the lack of chapters. I will really write more when I feel better. Thank you for your understanding!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!