Rosie's Games - Chapter 272

Published at 12th of April 2024 07:33:27 AM

Chapter 272: Torture

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Chapter 272: Torture

The sound of Clinton's laughter echoed inside the room. Rosalind's lips twitched.

"I am not telling you anything," Clinton said. "What are you going to threaten me with?" he continued.

"Your father has left you here," Rosalind pointed out. "Without his support, you are alone. With no family or friends."

"Then kill me."

The man was challenging her, challenging them.

"I would rather not," Rosalind answered. She could feel the Duke's gaze on her, yet she chose to ignore it.

"Then go screw yourselves! You ruined our plans! You ruined Lonyth! You ruined everything! Do not expect anything from me!"

Rosalind's lips thinned. She was taken aback by the current outcome of her mere suspicions.

"The man wanted to die," Rosalind said. "He is not going to talk. He just wants us to kill him!" And then make the Duke look ruthless for killing someone from the Lonyth family.

"Elias... " Rosalind called out.

"Yes?" Elias immediately went inside again.

"Burn him."


"Burn him. Do not kill him." Rosalind said.

"You You think that would make me speak? You pathetic ahhhhhh" Clinton let out a blood curdling scream when Elias suddenly sent a fireball towards him, immediately burning his arm. "You how could a member of the Blessed family work with a sorcerer?"

"Ahhhhhhh! Stop it! Stop!" Clinton screamed.

"Make it smaller," Rosalind ordered. "The smaller the better. Call me once his body is full of burns."

Rosalind then smiled at Clinton.

"Did you know that you can use your darkness to make someone dumb?" Lucas said before he gestured for Denys to leave them alone. The tower did not have a private study, only a small library that was located at the topmost part.

They were currently in that library. There were only two chairs in the room near the windows and a small coffee table was in between those chairs.

To create a cozy atmosphere, a fireplace was located directly across the chairs. Since Rosalind was still new to this place, she did not have the time to visit this room. Still, Milith always kept it warm in case she wanted to read some books one day.

After all, everyone seemed to have expected her to sit down and read a book because of boredom.

However, neither of them seemed too interested in sitting down. While Lucas seemed calm, Rosalind was the exact opposite.

"Are you telling me to make him dumb?"

"Well there are things that you must destroy first for you to build it again."

"Are you asking me to ruin his brain and then heal it with my light Blessing?" This man was too sinister. If his theories really worked, then there was a possibility that she would see his memories the moment she healed him.

However, ruining someone's mind was very cruel.

"Clinton Moller is not innocent. He has plundered and r*ped, killed, and burned villagers. If you are concerned about morality"

"It is not about morality," Rosalind said. "I have not I have not used my Blessing for something like that in the past." This was the truth. Dorothy's favorite method of torturing her enemies in the past only involve making Rosalind heal them again and again so she could continue to torture them until their mental walls broke down from exhaustion.

She had never heard of breaking someone first before healing them.

"There is no guarantee that I would be able to do it." Rosalind was staring at the fire. Then she felt him approach her. He lifted her chin, making her stare into his deep blue eyes.

"I will help you," he said.

"Are you certain that it is going to work?"

"No. I wouldn't know that. I never had your Blessing."

Rosalind frowned. "How did you know anything about my Blessing if you have never had it before?"

He smiled. "Perhaps, I saw someone use it before."

Impossible, Rosalind wanted to respond. However, she couldn't. She could not say another word.

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