Rosie's Games - Chapter 285

Published at 12th of April 2024 07:33:04 AM

Chapter 285: Lanterns and Lake

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Chapter 285: Lanterns and Lake

"How could a lake like this exist inside this place?" Rosalind could not help but ask when they approached the large body of water with countless lanterns on its surface. Each lantern had different designs and color that created a dazzling array of lights against the dark backdrop of the lake and the night sky.

"The world is a wonderful place to live in," he responded. He, too, was staring at the intricate and delicate patterned cutouts that allow the light to dance across the surface of the water. "Shall we?"

He gestured towards a small boat by the side of the lake.

"We are"

"Why not?" he asked before pulling her towards the boat.

"I do not know how to swim," Rosalind said.

"And yet you dared jump off a cliff." He was talking about the first time that they met and the time that he had saved her when Victoria kidnapped her.

"That was different." It was a life and death situation and it required some unique solutions desperate solutions.

"Of course," he nodded without hiding the sarcasm in his voice.

"There is no need to swim we will be riding the boat," he added.

"What if it sinks?"

"Then, I would just carry you back."

She frowned yet she said nothing. He led her toward the boat. She took a deep breath, trying to compose herself. The air was currently thick with the scent of flowers and incense.

Soon, the boat started moving. Someone at the edge of the boat was rowing it for them. She bit her lower lip as she felt the gentle sway of the boat as it moved through the water.

"You will help me, right?" she looked around. The boat is surprisingly spacious, with enough room for a small table and two chairs.

The table is set with a feast fit for her.

She narrowed her eyes.

It had platters of savory meats, cheeses, and fruits. There were pieces of bread arranged in an appetizing display. Of course, there had to be desserts a mouthwatering array of desserts that were as colorful as the lanterns on the lake.

"The lake is calm. Why worry about something that might not even happen? Come let us enjoy the food."

"Are you trying to make me gain more weight?" she asked.

"I did not know you were concerned about your weight." He shrugged. "If you were" he paused and looked at her.

"What?" she inquired. "If I were. What?"

"You would stop eating sweets?"

Rosalind frowned. She said nothing as she took her seat. She was grateful for the thoughtful preparations.


"Why not just visit her to see? Isn't that what you were planning to do earlier?"

"Well" She glanced at the food.

"Of course, we can do that after we fill our stomachs."

Rosalind said nothing. Right now, she was not even doubting that he could actually read her mind. It was either that or she was just too simple, too easy for him to read.

She glanced at the food and could not help but marvel at the presentation. This current setup was giving her both a cozy and intimate vibe.

The thought of the word intimate made her frown.

The Duke must have done this because of how she helped him in the walls, she thought inwardly.

"Did you remove the relics?" she asked after a few minutes of silence. She could not think of anything else to ask him.

"Yes. There is no other way. I already had fun. I guess, I would put it back when I want to kill beasts."

Rosalind nodded. That could explain why he just left the walls and came here to bring her to the lake.

"Do you think that Rakha has those relics?" she asked.

"Yes," he tilted his head and narrowed at her. "Do you want to play around in Rakha?"

"Play around?"

"Catch some rats, burn spies, and make them dumb."

"That" why does this version of playing around sound so brutal? "Why not save Rakha?" she asked.

Seeing his reaction, she quickly added. "The attack is intended. It is planned. We do not know the end goal but I can guess it was nothing good. We should just stop it."

"And then what?" he asked.


"And then attract the attention of the Blessed Individuals?"


"Those people do not frighten me, Rosalind," he clarified. "But you are not ready to face them."


Edit: April 4: I did 4 days straight of mass release 5 chapters each. Please rewards me with your votes. Hehehe... Also, I am planning to do more in the next few days. Please consider buying some priv chapters for support. Thank you! nove(l)bi(n.)com

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