Rosie's Games - Chapter 292

Published at 12th of April 2024 07:32:55 AM

Chapter 292: Training 2

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Chapter 292: Training 2

"Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and try to think of touching the dark mist," Lucas's voice echoed inside her head.

"Well, all I can think about is you!"Rosalind barked.

There was silence.

"Are you listening to me!?" she yelled.

"I did not expect you to think of me in such a challenging time as this," again, his voice echoed.

She was about to argue when the growls of the beasts echoed through the trees. She knew that she was the beast's prey and that they would not hesitate to attack her once they saw her or felt her presence.

Annoyed, she tried to follow his words.

"Good. Now think about physically touching the mist." While his voice sounded deep and pleasing to the ears, all she could feel right now was annoyance.

How dare he leave her in the middle of this place? She understood that he wanted her to learn from experience, but why would he leave her here, alone!? Rosalind had no problems in being alone but she was currently in the beastlands!

"Steady" she heard him say. While she wanted to lash out at him, Rosalind knew that he was only doing this for her own sake. She took a deep breath, her eyes closed.

"Do you feel it?"

"Feel what!?" she responded in an annoyed tone.

"The beasts are getting closer."

That silenced her. She knew he was nearby watching, so she knew she would be safe from those beasts; however, if she always relied on him, she would surely die once she was alone.

This was her opportunity.

She needed to learn as many things as she could to control the Blessing of the darkness. This was her opportunity to learn more about her ability!

The loud growling sound echoed.

For a moment, panic rose inside her chest. The beast was drawing closer and closer and she could not feel the darkness inside her!

Rosalind swallowed.

"This is just a normal monster," Lucas's voice echoed once again. "Its weakness is in its heart. A cursed sword is the best weapon to kill it."

"I don't have a sword," Rosalind said.

"You just have to make one."

Rosalind looked at her dark mist dagger. Then she thought of making it back into a sword.

"Your mist is as poisonous as a cursed weapon. It could harm both humans and beasts alike."

Rosalind swallowed. Again, she looked at the beast. She was waiting for it to make the first move.

"Use your light Blessing to enhance your speed and make yourself lighter. You have everything that you need. Do everything that you can to survive."

Rosalind bit her lower lip. It was so easy to think about survival. To think about living. However, doing it in front of a beast this large was simply too difficult.

With a steady hand, she held the sword towards the beast. Her sword was made of dark mist. It looked blunt and ugly. However, she could feel its intimidating aura something that most cursed weapons had.

She felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through her veins. She was not born a warrior, but she is not going to let that stop her from living.

The beast lunged forward, its massive jaws opening to reveal rows of razorsharp teeth. Almost immediately, she sidestepped, avoiding the attack with ease, her sword flashing out to strike the neck of the creature.

With her enhanced speed and strength, the creature did not stand a chance, but it did put up a good fight.

As blood sprayed from the wound, the beast bellowed in rage. After all that, the creature was still not dead.

Rosalind was not someone who had used a sword before. She found it too heavy, too large. She always liked smaller weapons. However, for some unknown reason, she easily carried her dark mist sword as if she had been fighting with a sword for years.

The battle raged on.

Rosalind dodged and parried, her sword singing through the air as she fought with all her might. While the beast was very strong, Rosalind was very fast and agile. She used every trick that she could think of to defeat it.

In the end, she did.

However, it was not long after, the creature hit her arm with its claws.

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