Rosie's Games - Chapter 30

Published at 12th of April 2024 08:12:31 AM

Chapter 30: Playing the Game 2

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Chapter 30: Playing the Game 2

"Lellana, you may leave us," Dorothy said.

"But Young Lady "

"My mother doesn't know anything about this, please leave us."

"I understand," Lellan bowed and left them.

"Please take a seat," Dorothy gestured towards the seat next to hers. "I especially brewed the tea for you."

Dorothy quickly poured Rosalind a cup of tea, smiling as if she wasn't just about to give Rosalind something that would leave her unconscious. Rosalind didn't hesitate to accept it.

The name of the drug was Lady's Sleeping and just as the name suggested, it was something that helps most noble ladies sleep. However, the amount of drug that Dorothy had added to the tea was staggering. Was she planning on killing her?

"Thank you," Rosalind said. "How have you been holding up, elder sister? I heard that you have been crying" She put the teacup to her lips and then used the light from the room to create an illusion, making it seem like she drank the tea when she actually threw its contents behind her.

Sadly for her, the sun was already setting, and she no longer have the time to manipulate light more.

Yes, this type of ability only worked when there was light. Without the sun or a source of light, she couldn't use her Blessing as effectively as she could when it was bright.

She could use it when there was another source of light, but it wouldn't be as effective as the sun and it would be very hard for her to control. Since she had just received the Blessing, even this small manipulation was going to take a toll on her body.

A fever was inevitable.

She could only hope that she would not collapse and lost consciousness if she forced herself to use the light from the candles to create this illusion.

"I " Dorothy bit her lip as she eyed Rosalind's empty cup. "I didn't know that Jeames would tell you about it. How could he betray me like that?"

"Please do not be angry. He was just showing how much he cares for you."

"But how could he ask you to marry the Duke in my stead? You just arrived from the mountains and now, he wants you to leave again? How could he "

"Older sister " Rosalind held Dorothy's hands. Luckily, even if her light Blessing was weakening, she still had some of her dark Blessing thanks to the curse from Alma. She could use it to defend herself now. "There is no need for you to think about it. I just I want you to live your life. Knowing that you are happy will suffice for me."

"Rose " A single tear rolled down Dorothy's cheeks.

'Magnificent,' Rosalind thought inwardly. 'It seems that they are indeed members of the same family.'

"How could I even begin to thank you?" Dorothy continued.

Sadly for her, using two Blessings at the same time immediately took a toll on her somewhat weak body.

Her head turned light and she felt her body sway. It seemd that the whole world around her started spinning.

She was going to faint.

She could only curse inwardly.

But just as she was about to hit the ground, she felt two strong arms catch her. She tried to open her eyes but to no avail.

Someone just saved her.

But the question is was it a friend? Or a foe?

She knew she would not know the answer to her question now.


The Duke stared at the unconscious woman in his arm. He frowned and picked her up in a princess carry.

"Come" he said.

"My lord," Denys, the man with flaming red eyes, appeared next to him.

"Clean up the mess."

"What about the others?" Denys asked.

"Leave them. They will not be waking up soon," the Duke answered. "Come"

A person wearing a long red dress appeared next to Denys.

"My lord?"

"Tell the Marquess I am leaving. I have some business to attend to. And spread the news about two people having a rendezvous in this part of the maze."

"I understand."

The two individuals immediately vanished, leaving the Duke alone with the woman sleeping soundlessly in his arms.

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