Rosie's Games - Chapter 332

Published at 12th of April 2024 07:30:02 AM

Chapter 332: Rewards

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Chapter 332: Rewards

Kingdom of Rakha

"You promised not to expose his identity, but you are not doing anything to stop the rumors. Father, I think this is wrong." Prince Lyssander was frowning as he looked at his father. For days now, he had been trying to tell his father to acknowledge the Duke's help to Rakha. However, the King refused to do so. Lyssander could not understand this.

"Father, the crown prince is right. The tide ended because of the Duke. I do not see any reason not to reward him." Isadora the Wise or Princess Isadora spoke. The war in Rakha had ended and she would never forget the scene that she witnessed that day.

"Enough of this. I already made a deal with the Duke. He did not want to acknowledge it. Now, you need to leave. I am quite occupied." Despite the fact that the tide did not destroy their kingdom, the King was still busy with the aftermath of the war. He already asked his son to take care of most of the work but he could not let him do everything on his own.

The two Royals sigh.

In fact, both of them knew how stubborn their father was. However, they came here hoping to convince him as they believed that they were doing the right thing. In the end, the King refused to budge. The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

The two looked defeated.

"Oh, before you leave" the King spoke as he looked at Isadora. "I heard you were looking for the Duke before he left. May I know why?"

"I wanted to apologize," Isadora said. "I had been disrespectful." As someone who had been acknowledged because of her brain, Isadora had developed an ego. However, she was the type of person that would never accept a mistake. She was well aware that she disrespected the Duke and so she wanted to apologize to him. Sadly, the Duke left without even saying goodbye. He just vanished along with his people.

It was as if he had never been there in the first place.

"Is that all?" the King lifted an eyebrow.

"I wanted to ask him if we could cooperate. Wugari and Rakha are two kingdoms that the Empires abandoned. Working with Wugari is not exactly that bad, right?" Isadora asked.

"Did I scare you? Your Majesty?"

"O Of course not!" King Emrys lied. Earlier, he had already seen him. However, before he could say another word, his children arrive to confront him about Duke Lucas. "I just I was not expecting you. I have been too busy dealing with the aftermath of the war. I have had no time to send you some gifts and gold."

"I did not come here for the gifts," Lucas said.


"I came for the gold."

King Emrys blinked.

"I know someone who seems to love it." Lucas quickly explained.

"I understand. I will immediately arrange it. I will make sure to give you a satisfactory amount of gold. You will not"

"Two crates should be fine. And give me your best dish. Sweet is preferable. The best delicacy of Rakha should be included."

"Eh?" the King blinked. When he saw him, he immediately felt his knees shake. He thought he would demand some huge rewards that he would not be able to afford.

It turns out the Duke of Wugari was here to ask for food?


Update, I am back in the city! I should have the edited chapters tomorrow! Thank you for your patience and enjoy Easter with your family!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!