Rosie's Games - Chapter 335

Published at 12th of April 2024 07:29:54 AM

Chapter 335: The Main Character

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Chapter 335: The Main Character

"Why agree to this?" Ena Thun did not join the meeting with the other families. Instead, she had a personal meeting with Federico. Currently, the two of them were at the watchtower watching the soldiers fighting off the beasts. The sun was currently up, yet that did not hinder the beasts from coming.

From the current scene alone, one could easily tell that the beasts had become stronger and more resilient to the sun. That or the relic had gotten stronger. Ena was thinking it was the latter.

The relic had somehow become more potent and more attractive to the beasts. That was the only explanation that she could come up with after seeing all the beasts act as if they would do everything to breach the walls even if their lives end in the process.

This immediately made her more interested to know how the relics had become stronger. She wanted to have the thing that was making the relic more potent and she would do anything to get it. That was why she suggested summoning the Duke.

What she did not expect was for him to actually come to Aster.

The man was fearless.

Ena recalled Lurea's reports. Lurea had killed someone in that tower as Rosie was not there. However, that should be enough to warn the Duke that he was not untouchable. They could kill Rosie if they really wanted to.

Somehow, Ena started wondering if the reason why the Duke would come is that he wanted revenge because of what happened to that maid.

"Do we have a choice?" Right now, Federico was leading the medical team in healing all the wounded soldiers and this was the reason why they were able to fight day and night. During the day, it was Federico that would heal the soldiers while Martin would heal them during the night.

Because of this, they have avoided burning out and could still use their abilities for a long time.

Despite the Blessing being a gift from the Goddess, there were still instances where they exhaust themselves by using too much of their abilities. This would result in burnout. Then they would become sick physically sick. This type of sickness was something that could not be healed even with a light Blessing. Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

This was also the same sickness that haunted Ena Thun's father since he came out of the Howling Mountains. Federico had been doing his best to help with the symptoms, but his body was still suffering from whatever it was that he saw in that place.

"What of the women that I sent to your son? Still nothing?" Ena asked.


"Are you certain this was not because of your daughter-in-law?"

This time, Federico did not answer. In fact, he was not sure if Victoria had a hand in the current situation of the Lux Family. Just thinking about that woman made his already sour mood worsen.

In the past few months, the Lux Family had been through a lot.

Currently, the rumors surrounding his family were simply too much to talk about. Various rumors about them flooded the streets. Dorothy's sudden changes created some good rumors about them, but this only dampened the past rumors. It did not remove them.

The reputation of the Lux Family was currently in shambles.

A part of him wanted to blame himself for being too nonchalant in the past. He should not have given Martin the patriarch position and managed everything on his own.

However, Federico had bigger dreams.

He was not just planning to rule Aster. He was planning to rule this continent.

"Your Blessedness" Ena interrupted his stupor. "Do not worry about the Duke's antics. I will take care of it." Ena assured him. The woman must have sensed his foul mood earlier. "He will have a taste of his own medicine," Ena smirked. Her plans were already in order.

She was just waiting for the main character to arrive.

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