Rosie's Games - Chapter 338

Published at 12th of April 2024 07:29:51 AM

Chapter 338: General Mistin

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Chapter 338: General Mistin

"Oh, you think I would say no to a fight?" the man responded.


"I know!" Elias said. He then took a step back. "We cannot fight inside the hall. If you really wanted to fight then do it after the tide. I will meet you anywhere!"

"Hmph! You all talk after all! Since you wanted to fight then let us fight now!"

"Who told you that you can fight here?"

Everyone's attention turned toward the man who walked in.

"General General Mistin" the man stuttered. "This is not what you think."

General Mistin was a rather tall guy with a muscular physique. He had short cropped black hair and a large scar on his face.

"I already warned you, Mebia. I told you to stop picking a fight with the ones who want to join."

"General, really, it is not what you think. I was just merely greeting them." The man named Mebia lowered his head. He took a step back, giving space for the General to pass through. "I just wanted a friendly duel as the man looked strong."

"You are two times his size."


The General stopped walking in front of them. He eyed Rosalind and the rest. "Continue with what you are doing. Ignore him."

"Thank you, General," Rosalind said. She immediately elbowed Atior to finish it. General Mistin was one of the generals working under her father Martin Lux. He was known for his way of discipline.

However, the fact that the man was working under Martin Lux immediately made Rosalind uncomfortable.

With that, Atior finished adding everyone's information and immediately submitted it to the woman from earlier. After a few more minutes, the four of them walked out of the guild in a hurry.


Rosalind gritted her teeth when he heard another voice that seemed to call them.

"Hey! I am calling you! General Mistin wants to talk."


"It was because they have been paying me most of the gold that we earn," Atior said.

There was another silence before the General started laughing.

"I was about to kill you for lying" the General said. "That statement just changed my mind. Go on you may leave."

"Yes, Sir."

"If you need someone else to work with. Feel free to talk to me. I can surely give you better pay."

Hearing this, Rosalind sigh inwardly. It was a good thing that she had already told everyone some made-up reasons as to why they were working together.

Right now, Atior's aura could not be hidden, so everyone was thinking that she was the strongest among them. Naturally, people would start asking questions.

Atior could say that the four of them grew up together in an orphanage somewhere but that was simply unrealistic and was not very creative at all.

Almost everyone could use that lie.

Because of this, Rosalind told Atior to tell them that this was about gold. It was a very realistic answer. She was only working with them because they were giving her too much!

That was not only realistic, but it would also make everyone think that their bonds were not as close and they could just poach one of them to work for another mercenary group.

This was Rosalind's goal.

It looked like she just achieved it.

The four of them started walking away from the restaurant.

Meanwhile, the General was still staring at them from behind.

"Sir, are we just going to let them go? That woman is strong. She could be a spy."

"Who told you that I am just going to let them go?" General Mistin snorted. "Asked someone to follow them. Tell me everything that they do."

"Yes, Sir!"

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