Rosie's Games - Chapter 351

Published at 12th of April 2024 07:29:17 AM

Chapter 351: The Saintess's Changes

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Chapter 351: The Saintess's Changes

"How could he do something like this to us!?" Martin fumed as he paced in front of his father's study. Opposite him was the calm Federico. To his left was Dorothy who never said a word since they left that place.

"That man is truly shameless! There is no way that you would let him disrespect us, right Father?"

"What would you have wanted me to do, Martin?"

Both Martin and Dorothy looked at Federico.

"The streets sing praises for the man. The rumors that the Saintess refused to heal the wounded reached the ears of the citizens. If the Duke hurt her they would have laughed and moved on with their lives."

"How could they act like that? She helped save a lot of people from the plague."

"And yet she refused to help save the people wounded in the war! Those people have families, children, cousins, and friends! Did you really think that people would think about something that you did in the past and praise you for it? They would only think about something that you did wrong and then criticize it! That's how it was then. It is not going to change now! You can do something good for them a hundred times and the moment you make a mistake they would leave you and call you evil! Do you understand me!?"

Martin was silent.

The Duke of Wugari has been known for his extreme methods. He liked killing and beheading people. Yet, he did one good thing and now everyone was praising him.


Why was it so different? nove(l)bi(n.)com

"It does not matter," Dorothy got up out of nowhere. She looked at her father and grandfather. "I apologize for insisting to see him. This was all my fault."

"It is not your fault. It was that rude man's fault. How could he refuse to even let us in? We did not come there to hurt him!" Martin said.

"Thank you. I will keep that in mind," Dorothy said. "I do not think I need to stay in this room. I do not want to intrude. Please excuse me. I shall take my leave now."

With that, Dorothy left without waiting for any response.

"She has changed again," Federico narrowed.

"What do you mean?"

"I can no longer sense something different in her."

Martin frowned. Now that he thought about it, this Dorothy had indeed changed.

Naturally, both Jean Hydran and Brinley Fleur saw the capability of the Duke. They saw how he teleported in and out of the place as if he owned it.

This could change everything.

If they ignore the fact that the Duke could actually fight, there was also the fact that he had the latest pieces of equipment made out of relics.

These pieces of equipment were helping him teleport and that itself was very tempting to most people.

He narrowed his eyes.

He and Ena Thun really needed to come up with a new plan very soon. Sadly, Ena Thun seemed to have her own problems to deal with.

Since that battle, she has been very busy doing Goddess knows what! She was very hard to communicate with and it was as if she was thinking about something very important.

What could have happened? He wondered.

Seeing his occupied father, Martin bid Federico goodbye, leaving the old man alone in the room.

Of course, Federico did not waste any time and asked his subordinate to tell the Duke that he was coming to see him. Federico was an older member of the Lux Family and one of the oldest members of the Blessed Families. He expected the Duke to respect him.

However, just as he was about to leave his study, the lights from the candles flickered.

Federico looked around. He thought he spotted someone in the corner of his eye but when he turned no one was there.

"Hello, grandfather"

Federico stilled when he heard a deep voice of a woman

Slowly, he turned and found Dorothy standing before him. He took a few steps back.

"Dorothy!" Federico hissed. "What I did not sense you coming in!"

Dorothy smiled a smile that did not reach her eyes.

"Isn't it time that we have a proper conversation?" Dorothy continued smiling. " Isn't that right Federico Lux?"


A/N: So, Eve's Gambit is R19 and it will tie up some loose ends on Rosie's Games like how did Rosie turn back time and stuff like that. It is also darker as Eve is scheming and pretty is a morally gray character. I really hope you will like it. Add Eve's gambit to your library please! Thank you!

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