Rosie's Games - Chapter 356

Published at 12th of April 2024 07:29:11 AM

Chapter 356: Lurea Thun

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Chapter 356: Lurea Thun

Rosalind stepped out of the carriage, frowning.

"You let her escape," she glared at Lucas when Ena used her lightning to leave the place. Both of them knew that they were capable of leaving, yet Lucas did not stop her.

"I saved you from losing control."

Rosalind sighed in response. When she heard the woman mention Milith's name, a wave of undeniable anger surged inside her body. She was prepared to kill the woman.

"Shall we go?"

"Thanks to someone who cannot seem to control his strength, the carriage is broken," Rosalind's lips lifted.


"My lord"

"Take care of everything." Lucas approached her and held her hand.

"Where are we"

"Aren't you interested to see her?" The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

Rosalind blinked. He must be talking about Lurea. Almost immediately, her gaze darkened. Lurea Thun should be the one responsible for Milith's death. This was her payback for what Lucas did.

Rosalind had been looking forward to seeing that woman.

She held his hand a little tighter before her gaze darkened.

She heard a thud and the next thing she knew she was already in what looked like a dungeon.

She turned around, her gaze complicated.

"You will get used to it," he whispered next to her. "Look in front of you," he added.

When she did, she saw a woman in chains, surrounded by what looked like a red stone that seemed to glow in the dark.

"What is that?"

"It can stop someone who received the Blessing of the Goddess from using their gifts."

"What a hypocrite" Lurea continued. "You How could you pretend to be something you are not?"

Again, Rosalind said nothing. She was pretending to be a sorcerer that's what Ena knew.

"Did your mother ask you to kill my maid?"

"What maid?" Lurea frowned as if she was truly confused to hear her words. "Ah that wimp?" Lurea said. "She ran away when she saw me." Lurea's eyes widened. "Did she think I was a beast because of how I look?"

The way Lurea's eyes widened, gave her an unsettling sensation. It was as if Lurea was asking her if she was hideous. Rosalind stared at the woman's scars that were all over her face. She wondered if this was because of her abilities.

"Show me your real face," Lurea said. "I want to see how you look behind that mask!"

"I am wearing no mask, Lurea," Rosalind answered.

"Lies! How is that possible!? Ah! Was it because of him? Do you think he will not accept you because of those scars? Hehehehe. Kill him then!"

Rosalind pursed her lips as she stared at the woman's pitiful appearance.

"Kill him! What was the point of staying with someone who disliked you for your face? Huh? In this world, power is everything! What was the point of staying with someone like him?"

Rosalind said nothing. Lurea got it wrong, but she could not blame her. The darkness that surrounded her at that time was too intense, too powerful. It was enough to make her scared.

"Hey! Where are you going!?" Lurea asked when Rosalind turned her head away. "Show her your face!"

"I never heard that Ena had a daughter," Rosalind said. "At first, I thought this must be because she hid it very well. However, your words made me realize something. It was not just because she was good at hiding it." Finally, Rosalind looked at Lurea. "It was because you are not exactly her daughter. Aren't you?"


"The reason why you call her mother was that she created you. She made you like this."

"She helped me!" Lurea screeched. "She helped me!"

"She made you so she could use you and turn you into a killer. She did not want to reveal you to the world, not just because of how you physically look, but because she wanted to use you."


A/N: Date May 14: Did you know that there is Mother's day event today!? Rosie's Games is included! Please vote for Rosalind Lux for the Event. Thank you! You can see it on the tab where you can sign in for fast pass? The gift icon on your library. Thank you so much!

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