Rosie's Games - Chapter 359

Published at 12th of April 2024 07:29:08 AM

Chapter 359: Vitalium

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Chapter 359 Vitalium

Rosalind closed the book as her head started aching. While she wanted to learn more about relics, she could not simply read everything right now.

She held her head before she started massaging her temples. Then she glanced at Lucas, who was happily reading a book, accompanying her.

"The relics... do you think this is the reason why Ena Thun wanted access to the Howling Mountains?" she asked.


If that was the case then... Ena would surely not stop. She would try to find ways to get into the Mountains.

"We need to be careful," she said, her gaze turned serious. Ena Thun was not exactly a threat to Lucas, but she could easily attack Rosalind, and a surprise attack would very much hurt her.

Right now, all she needed to do was become stronger to be able to fight Ena.

Ena Thun had been feeling listless and fatigued ever since she arrived at her base. She was wounded and had difficulty walking. Luckily, her healing was faster than a normal human's, however, this did not mean that she could easily recover from an attack like that.

"Anything?" she asked the woman in front of her.

"Still nothing, we cannot sense her Blessing anymore. It was as if she just vanished."

"Or something else is stopping us from tracking her," Ena hissed. "Call the others." The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

"Yes, Your Blessedness..."

Not long after three people wearing hoods appeared inside her study. Almost immediately, they kneeled in front of her, kissing the floor before greeting her with reverence.

A knock on the door interrupted her stupor, she opened her tired eyes and stared at the woman who walked in.

"What is it?" Ena asked.

"It was a message from Aster."

"Give it." Ena grabbed the letter and opened it. Then her face turned ugly. "Missing?" How could Federico be missing?

She continued reading the letter and stopped when she read the possible involvement of the Duke.

"Indeed... that is possible." She murmured. The letter came from Martin, and it carried the disappointing news that their search had yielded no positive results. Until now, they could not find any traces of Federico Lux.

Was it the Duke? She could not help but doubt. Could they have successfully abducted and concealed two Blessed Individuals?

"Give me the Vitalium..." she ordered.

"As you command."

Not long after, the woman came back with a box. She placed it on the table in front of Ena and then bowed before leaving the room. Ena snorted. The woman was smart enough to know that she was not in a very good mood. Talking around Ena would be akin to a death sentence.

She grabbed the box and then slowly opened it revealing a luminescent blue crystal that exudes a calming aura. The stone inside the box was no longer as big as it was a year ago. Right now, it was just as small as her thumb. This was because, with each use of its abilities, the relic would diminish in size until it would eventually disappear.

She was not planning to use it. Sadly, she no longer had a choice.


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