Rosie's Games - Chapter 376

Published at 12th of April 2024 07:28:25 AM

Chapter 376: Humanoid Wolves

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Chapter 376: Humanoid Wolves

However, this peace did not continue long enough.

Out of nowhere, the tranquil atmosphere was abruptly shattered as the harsh winds made their presence known in the canyon. Thunder roared in the distance, punctuated by jagged flashes of lightning that illuminated the dark landscape.

The winds whipped through the canyon, howling like a pack of wolves in pursuit of their prey.

On the other side of the canyon, the waves of the sea crashed against the rocks.

"What is happening?" Magda and the others woke up.

"Pack your things. We are leaving," Rosalind said. Luckily, she had packed her things the moment that she woke up.

The others immediately complied without asking any more questions. They hurriedly gathered their belongings and secured them in their spatial bags, trying to work quickly and efficiently despite the chaos around them. The winds grew stronger and the rain started pouring down in sheets, soaking everything in sight.

As they rushed to leave, a bolt of lightning struck a nearby boulder, causing it to explode in a shower of sparks and flames. The group flinched and quickened their pace, knowing they had to leave before the storm worsened even further.

"Where are we going?" Elias asked.

"Up..." Rosalind said. They can only go up! There is simply no other way. Going back to the shore would mean death.

"Huig!" Magda uttered. The two immediately put themselves on Rosalind's side, as if they were trying to shield her from the wind that is threatening to knock them off their feet.

"Quickly!" Rosalind urged, her heart racing with adrenaline as they began their ascent up the steep cliff. Despite her lack of experience in climbing, she gritted her teeth and pushed herself to keep moving, with Magda and Huig at her side to support and guide her.

The wind continued to howl and whip around them. With each passing moment, they gained a little more ground, pulling themselves ever closer to safety.

However, as they climbed higher, the storm seemed to intensify, making their ascent even more treacherous. The rain drenched them, making the climb even harder.

A bolt of lightning struck dangerously close, illuminating the darkness with a blinding flash that left spots dancing in their vision.

Rosalind's muscles burned with exertion, but she refused to give up. She was determined to reach the top, to find safety from the raging storm below. Magda and Huig were equally determined, never once faltering in their support of her.

The rest of the pack growled in response, baring their teeth and snarling. But then, just as suddenly as they had appeared, the creatures withdrew, their heads turning as if something had caught their attention. Without warning, they bolted off into the darkness, leaving the group standing there in shock and confusion.

"That " Elias frowned, his adrenaline was still surging. "What just happened?"

"Something scared them," Atior responded as she turned towards the direction where the wolves were staring earlier. "Something scarier than us."

"Are you saying-"

"We should leave this place," Magda said. "This is too dangerous. We need to find some shelter."

Rosalind nodded. There is a reason why no human, even someone who received a blessing would hesitate to come here.

They were in unfamiliar territory, and the dangers that lurked in the shadows were unknown to them. She knew that they needed to find a safe place to rest and gather their thoughts before continuing on their journey.

Just as they were about to leave, Atior suddenly turned towards the directions where the wolves were staring earlier.

"Atior- " Rosalind called out.

"Something is coming."

The group followed Atior's gaze and saw a figure emerging from the shadows. At first, they couldn't make out what it was, but as it drew nearer, they quickly realized that it was someone familiar.

"Lucas?" Rosalind said. Unable to stop herself, Rosalind immediately approached him.



Here's the schedule for Rosie's: May 11, 14, 22

They will not promote the book if the author does not release the promised chapters!

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