Rosie's Games - Chapter 381

Published at 12th of April 2024 07:28:08 AM

Chapter 381: Turmoil

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Chapter 381: Turmoil

That night, when Rosalind fell asleep, she was quickly pulled into a new dream:

"The higher-ranking demons possess the ability to assume human form," a man explained. "Their shape-shifting abilities make it exceedingly difficult for us to eliminate them," the man with fiery red hair spoke. His gaze shifted to the map spread out on the table, his finger pointing emphatically at a specific location marked with bold letters: Forest. "If it weren't for this formidable barrier, the demons would have already decimated humanity."

Silence fell upon the people surrounding him, their faces etched with defeat as their eyes remained fixed on the map.

"We must find a means to distinguish between humans and demons," another voice broke the silence, determined and resolute. "Allowing this to persist is simply not an option."

Rosalind frowned as she observed everyone's expression. This time, she only spotted nine people inside the room. The man resembling Lucas was not there. However, the woman that looked exactly like Rosalind was standing next to the man with the red hair.

The weight of the situation hung heavy in the air.

Rosalind's attempt to focus her eyes on the map proved futile as her vision blurred unexpectedly. A disorienting sensation enveloped her. Before she could comprehend what was happening, she found herself transported back to the confines of the cave.

It was yet another one of those vivid dreams.

She took a moment to gather her thoughts before she looked at Lucas who was sleeping soundlessly next to her.

Rosalind studied Lucas's tranquil countenance, his features softened by the gentle touch of slumber. A wave of tenderness washed over her.

She could not understand what the dream was trying to show her, but she knew that it must be connected with the demons somehow.

The dream had unveiled a revelation: demons possessed the ability to assume human forms.

She resisted the impulse to wake him up to ask him about the demons.

It could wait, she thought inwardly as she chose to cherish the moment of serenity.

Her gaze shifted, directed toward the cavernous ceiling, lost in contemplation. The dream had hinted at something profound, something beyond the realm of mere imagination. It felt like a glimpse into the future, a forewarning of events yet to unfold. However, the disparity between the dream and the map gnawed at her thoughts.

The map that the red-haired man was using seemed different from this continent's map. Does that mean they are... in another place? Perhaps another continent?

The weight of uncertainty tugged at her thoughts.

"What else was in your dream?" Lucas pressed, his eyes searching her face for answers.

Confusion engulfed Rosalind as she grappled with Lucas's reaction. Why was he responding as if she had done something wrong? Doubt began to seep into her thoughts.

Did he know something?

Had she unintentionally revealed something that she shouldn't have? Her mind raced, desperately seeking an explanation for his darkened expression.

Unable to bear the weight of uncertainty any longer, Rosalind rose to her feet, her body instinctively seeking distance from the charged atmosphere.

"In my dream," she hesitated. "I witnessed a war. A group of people fighting against the encroaching demons, battling for survival amidst a landscape of devastation."

"What else?" he asked.

"That's it," she replied. This time, she chose to lie and hide the rest, thinking that this would only sour the current atmosphere. "I see death, destruction, and a group of people valiantly fighting against demons that can transform into humans."

As the words left her lips, a heavy silence descended upon them, suffocating the air between them. Rosalind watched as Lucas clenched his teeth. Without a word, Lucas reached for his sword, his grip tight

"We should start our training and find a way out of this place," Lucas said.

"Lucas- " she called out. What is happening?

As if hearing her thoughts, his gaze met hers. The turmoil within his eyes was evident.

"We need to leave this place," Lucas said. "And find the others."

"Tell me about demons," she implored, her eyes locked with Lucas's. "I want to understand. I can't stay in the dark forever. The dreams I've been having, feel significant, like glimpses into the future. I believe I have the right to know."

"The truth about demons is complex," Lucas began.

"Tell me," Rosalind said. Complex or not, she needed to know what kind of enemy she is going to face in the future!


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