Rosie's Games - Chapter 383

Published at 12th of April 2024 07:28:04 AM

Chapter 383: To the Howling Mountains!

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Chapter 383: To the Howling Mountains!

"Yes," Lucas answered. "Demons can infect a human's essence. However, that should not have happened in this continent. The barrier, though weakened, should still prevent direct demonic possession of humans. This suggests that someone else, a person residing in this continent, played a role in the man's transformation."

"But how? Through experimentation?"

Lucas nodded again, his gaze hardening. "It seems likely. Through forbidden experiments and dark practices, someone with knowledge of demons and their abilities has been tampering with human essence, crossing boundaries that should never have been breached. Although, only a sorcerer with knowledge of the past, someone well-versed in ancient sorcery and the secrets of demons, would possess the ability to tamper with human essence in such a manner. It is a forbidden path, one that should never have been tread upon."

Rosalind's mind buzzed with questions.

Who could possess such knowledge?

For a fleeting moment, Rosalind entertained the idea of urging Lucas to embark on a quest to find the sorcerer responsible for the dark experiments. However, that impulse quickly dissipated, replaced by a sense of caution and a realization that hasty actions could lead to dire consequences.

Instead of speaking her thoughts without a proper plan or strategy in place, she decided to keep her intentions to herself, opting for a more measured approach.

As silence enveloped them, Lucas broke the stillness with an unexpected statement. "I was not expecting that," he said.

"Expecting what?" The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

A smile played at the corners of Lucas's lips as he met her gaze. "That you would not urge me to immediately seek out the sorcerer or attempt to single-handedly save this continent. It's a refreshing change."

Surprise mingled with curiosity as Rosalind tried to decipher his words.

Why would he find it refreshing that she didn't insist on a reckless course of action? There was something beneath the surface, a subtle shift in his demeanor that she couldn't quite grasp. He seemed... happy.

Once again, Rosalind found herself contemplating the woman she had encountered in her dreams. The resemblance between them was undeniable, yet their dispositions seemed worlds apart.

The woman in her dreams had been frantic, driven by panic and impulsive actions. Emotions seemed to cloud her judgment, rendering her decisions illogical and hasty.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"Nothing," he replied, rising to his feet and extending a hand toward her. "Shall we begin our training now? It has been several days, and I expect to see some progress, particularly in your ability to harness both light and dark Blessings."

"Yes," the sorcerer responded.

A wicked smile curled on Ena's lips, revealing a subtle delight. "Good," she uttered, her voice laced with a sinister undertone. "Let them unleash havoc in the North."

Soon, Ena's laughter mingled with the lingering echoes of the creature's howl.

"The Duke left the North," the sorcerer's words shattered the veil of contentment that enshrouded Ena's eyes. Her expression grew tense, her gaze piercing through the desolate landscape before her. "I could not locate the one capable of sensing the relics."

Ena's eyes narrowed, her lips curling into a slight frown.

"So, they must have gone to the Howling Mountains after all," she mused aloud.

The Howling Mountains, known for their treacherous terrain and foreboding reputation, held secrets and ancient relics that were coveted by many- especially her.

Oh, how she longed to be able to go to that place.

Sadly, it was more complicated than that.

"It seemed that it was his objective all along," she murmured. What a wicked man, she thought.

The Duke publicly hid the fact that he was interested in the Howling Mountains and only received some 'rewards' from the King of Rakha himself.

She should have known better.

How could the Duke of Wugari not have thoughts about the relics inside Howling Mountains?

Ena's eyes gleamed with a mixture of anticipation and determination as she contemplated the treasures hidden within the depths of the Howling Mountains. The relics her father spoke of during his rare moments of clarity held an indescribable allure for her, whispering promises of power and enlightenment that she couldn't resist.

"Well... it seems that we are going to the Howling Mountains," Ena declared.


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