Rosie's Games - Chapter 390

Published at 12th of April 2024 07:27:54 AM

Chapter 390: The Way of the World

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Chapter 390: The Way of the World

Dorothy maintained her smile as they entered Martin's study. "I believe I can be of assistance in the North," she asserted. "Don't you think so?"

"Dorothy, that Duke was the very cause of your grandfather's disappearance," Martin began, still holding firm to his belief that the Duke was responsible for his father's vanishing. He had not kept this conviction hidden from his wife and daughter.

However, despite this knowledge, Dorothy expressed her desire to visit Wugari. Martin couldn't help but wonder about her true intentions. What was the underlying purpose behind her decision?

Martin settled into his chair, his gaze fixed upon his daughter, who stood before him with her ever-present gentle smile.

"Why?" he inquired, genuinely curious as to why Dorothy would willingly place herself in harm's way.

"I simply want to save people," Dorothy replied sincerely.

"Do you comprehend the inherent danger that accompanies such a decision?" Martin pressed, concerned for his daughter's safety.

Dorothy nodded resolutely. "I understand the risks, but they will not dissuade me from fulfilling my purpose."

Martin's tone grew more urgent. "Your purpose is to help people, yes, but it does not mean you must subject yourself to danger! Duke Rothley is a formidable adversary. If he was capable of taking your grandfather away from us, then he could easily"

"No, he will not do that," Dorothy interjected with unwavering confidence. "If I were to vanish within his estate, I am certain that the Emperor, my own father, and the rest of the Seven Families would seek justice on my behalf. Am I wrong father?"

Martin let out a sigh, his hand now resting on his forehead. As he contemplated the situation, he realized that Dorothy's involvement in aiding the Wugari Kingdom could potentially help restore the badly affected reputation of the Seven Families. The rumors and speculations stemming from the beast tide had tarnished their standing, and offering assistance to Wugari could serve as a means of redemption. Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

Nevertheless, the weight of the impending war and the decision to send Dorothy to the North weighed heavily on Martin. These two required careful consideration and thorough planning.

"You are still alive?" Dorothy's voice took on a chilling and unfamiliar tone as she addressed the figure lying on the ground. The person before her was no ordinary man, but her own father's grandfather, His Blessedness, Federico Lux. Though now reduced to a mere bag of bones, the legends surrounding him suggested that he had managed to survive against all odds.

"The stories claim that the stones will not kill you, and it seems they were true." Dorothy smiled. "How fascinating!"

She then took a wet cloth and again put it on top of the man's cracked lips.

"If you wish to continue living, you must disclose the location of the hidden tomb," Dorothy whispered

However, as expected, Federico Lux remained silent, offering no hint or revelation. Dorothy's eyes narrowed in frustration.

"I will be absent for several months. During that time, you will have ample opportunity to contemplate whether or not you are willing to divulge the information I seek."

Despite his advanced age and the specter of death looming over him, Federico's silence remained unbroken, his gaze fixed upon Dorothy.

"Rest assured, I have made arrangements for you to receive water every two days," she declared, a touch of irony lacing her voice. Despite his stubbornness, she had not neglected his fundamental well-being. At least for now.

Once Dorothy obtained the desired information, the inevitable conclusion would be the ending of Federico Lux's life. It was an undeniable fact governed by the natural order of things. This was simply the way of the world.



A/N: Did you know that there is Mother's day event today!? Rosie's Games is included! Please vote for Rosalind Lux for the Event. Thank you! You can see it on the tab where you can sign in for fast pass? The gift icon on your library. Thank you so much!

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