Rosie's Games - Chapter 391

Published at 12th of April 2024 07:27:53 AM

Chapter 391: Are You?

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Chapter 391: Are You?

Rosalind found herself once again ensnared in the clutches of a dream, yet this particular vision possessed an unsettling realism that enveloped her senses.

The dream world seemed to blur with actuality, compelling Rosalind to experience the temperature of her surroundings as if they were tangible.

Her gaze fixated upon the woman who bore an uncanny resemblance to herself. This mysterious doppelgnger traversed the underground expanse, meandering through a forsaken labyrinth of convoluted tunnels and caverns that seemed to stretch on indefinitely.

A chilling silence hung heavily in the air, broken only by the faint scurrying of rats and the distant, eerie echoes of unearthly whispers.

The flickering glow of dim, sulfurous torches barely illuminated the scene, casting long, distorted shadows that danced upon the damp walls. The air was thick with a damp chill, carrying the foul stench of decay and malevolence.

Amidst the oppressive darkness, the woman's eyes beheld a haunting sight. Scattered across the cavernous chamber were humans, their bodies now transformed into wretched beings, enslaved by the curse of the demons.

With hollow eyes and twisted features, they prowled the depths, their actions driven by an insatiable hunger. Raw and mangled animal carcasses lay strewn about, serving as their grim sustenance.

Rosalind wondered how he knew that these humans were enslaved by demons. She has not heard of that before.

Still, she looked around and continued observing.

Rosalind's mind buzzed with questions as she observed the mysterious woman's purpose in this peculiar underground realm. Before long, an answer began to unfold before her very eyes, revealing the imminent arrival of another presencean approaching demon.

"She's waiting for you..." The stench of decaying animals permeated the air, wafting from the demon's breath. Rosalind frowned but the woman that resembled her did not seem to care as she walked inside another cave.

"You are here..." a throaty voice reverberated through the space.

Her words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of a cautionary warning. The older woman's gaze bore into the eyes of the woman resembling Rosalind, searching for the flicker of resolve or doubt that would reveal the depths of her commitment.

Suddenly, the woman's gaze shifted, as if she could perceive Rosalind's presence, even in the realm of dreams. A chilling smile crept across her aged face, sending a shiver down Rosalind's spine.

"Are you?" she whispered, her voice carrying a subtle note of anticipation as if daring Rosalind to reveal her own desires and willingness to embrace the darkness.

Then Rosalind was pulled out of the dream.

Rosalind's eyes shot open, her heart pounding in her chest as she gasped for breath. The vividness of the dream still clung to her senses, leaving her disoriented and shaken. Her body was drenched in perspiration, her back sticking uncomfortably to the damp sheets.

Taking a moment to steady herself, Rosalind realized that she had been pulled abruptly out of the dream, and back into the waking world. She scanned her surroundings, the familiar sight of the cave provided a stark contrast to the things that saw in that dream.

Gradually, her breathing slowed. She patted her chest and wiped her sweat before she looked around. As the remnants of the dream faded, Rosalind's attention shifted to the absence of Lucas.

The man was nowhere to be seen.

"Lucas?" Rosalind's voice echoed through the small clearing, but there was no response. A frown creased her brow as she glanced around the area. They had chosen this secluded spot deep within the cave for their training sessions, believing it to be safe from prying eyes and potential dangers.

Her eyes traced the passages that branched out from the clearing, leading to unknown parts of the cave.

"Lucas?" she called out for the second time.

'Run...' Suddenly, a familiar voice echoed inside her head. 'Run!' The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

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