Rosie's Games - Chapter 395

Published at 12th of April 2024 07:27:42 AM

Chapter 395: Escape

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Chapter 395: Escape

"You are Why are you here?" Ena Thun asked, she narrowed at Rosalind. "Where is he?"

Speechless, Rosalind's eyes drifted to the empty space beside her, where the man had stood mere moments ago. His sudden disappearance defied reason, leaving behind an enigmatic void that stirred a maelstrom of questions within her. The weight of his promise, the assurance of returning to the safety of the north, now dissolved into uncertainty.

Ena's impatience reached its boiling point, her voice dripping with disdain. "Answer me!" she hissed.

A skeletal figure standing beside Ena seemed to relish the unfolding scene. His emaciated form exuded an aura of darkness, reminiscent of the tales parents whispered to their children, instilling fear and caution. A twisted grin played upon his lips, a predator reveling in the presence of potential prey.

"May I have her?" he uttered his voice a sinister melody that sent shivers down Rosalind's spine. "I would love to have another blood of a virgin."

Ena's attention shifted, her focus now directed elsewhere on the island. "Do what you want," she dismissed. "This place, peculiar as it may be, holds the entrance to the cave my father spoke of. Clean it up quickly! You are wasting my precious time."

The skeletal figure next to Ena Thun leered at her, his intentions unmistakably sinister. Rosalind's blood ran cold. A surge of anger coursed through her. She would not be a pawn in their wicked game.

"No," she said, her voice firm and unwavering, cutting through the air like a blade. "You will not have me."

A flicker of surprise danced across Ena's face, momentarily breaking her composure. She turned her attention back to Rosalind, her expression filled with a mix of irritation and curiosity.

Ena Thun's sneer deepened, her voice dripping with disdain. "You dare defy me?" she scoffed, her eyes ablaze with arrogance. "You have no inkling of the power that resides within me."

"EKKKKK," A sudden burst of eerie laughter erupted from the man, echoing through the air like a discordant symphony. "Hehehehehe... I find her rather intriguing," he taunted. "Good! I like her! I like her very much!"

Ena's patience wore thin, her anger simmering beneath her composed facade. "Finish it swiftly then! We shall not waste our precious time with someone so insignificant" Her words were abruptly cut short as Rosalind vanished from her very sight.

The man's already ugly face contorted even more. However, just as he was about to say something, the ground beneath them started shaking.

"What is that?" the man asked.

"Something is coming our way" Ena said, her face turning serious.



In a desperate escape, Rosalind sprinted tirelessly, determined to distance herself from the lingering presence of Ena Thun and her male counterpart. Though physically outmatched, she possessed a keen intellect and refused to succumb to their pursuit. Recognizing the futility of engaging in direct confrontation, she swiftly harnessed her illusory light blessing employing them as a means of evasion.

Furthermore, an unsettling aura enveloped the surroundings, its foreboding nature palpable to Rosalind's senses. Intuitively, she knew that an encroaching darkness loomed over the vicinity. An imminent and malevolent force is coming.

"We need to leave this place," the man once again appeared next to her.

"Where were you!?" she asked.

"I had to come back for him," the man said. "I will take you away from this place."

"What about the others?" she asked.

For a moment, the man stared at her with a mixture of expressions on his face. "It seems that you would never change," he sigh. "I will take care of them." The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

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