Rosie's Games - Chapter 406

Published at 12th of April 2024 07:27:24 AM

Chapter 406: Flames and Exhaustion

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Chapter 406: Flames and Exhaustion

After the conclusion of the meeting, Rosalind wasted no time in making her way back to the secluded tower where she and the others sought solace. This would be their first opportunity to openly discuss the events that unfolded in that goddess-forsaken place.

As she stepped into the tower, the familiar faces of her companions greeted her. Among them, Elias approached her with evident concern etched upon his features. His question about Atior's whereabouts caught Rosalind off guard, a mix of surprise and curiosity flooding her thoughts.

She never thought that one day, Elias would ask her about Atior's whereabouts, but then again, she understood that the two spent some time together on the island.

Turning her attention to the others, she noticed the presence of Huig and Magda, their expressions mirroring a combination of exhaustion and relief. Valentin was calmly sitting on the couch, his gaze fixated on Rosalind.

Rosalind demanded, "Recount the events that unfolded on the island."

Elias persisted, "But what about Atior?"

"I want to know what occurred before that man whisked you away," Rosalind redirected her attention, disregarding Elias.

Elias sighed, his irritation evident in his gaze. "Atior performed a ritual. She claimed she would rescue you, expressing her lack of trust in the Duke. Then she vanished," he explained with frustration. "But what exactly is happening here?"

Rosalind let out a weary sigh, realizing she couldn't provide the answers they sought. She began narrating the events that transpired inside the cave until their eventual rescue. Of course, he hid some things, including the fact that the Duke could restore the barrier, but he refused to. Or the fact that the only reason why he was there was because of Rosalind.

She needed to know more about it for her to make some conclusions.

"It appears that the barrier between our continent and the realm of demons is crumbling, and somehow Atior is somehow linked to it," Rosalind revealed.

Curiosity sparked, Huig inquired, "Why? How could someone like her break a barrier?"

"I don't have all the answers," Rosalind admitted with a tinge of regret. She knew she needed to consult with Belisarius to uncover the truth. "But I am determined to find out soon."

Just then, Belisarius's voice reverberated through the room, startling Rosalind. "You should sleep" the man spoke.

She fixed her gaze upon the man who had entered without invitation. She wondered if this was somehow a trait that one would develop if they have the power to do so.

"Where is Lucas?" she demanded, her eyes narrowing.

"He is alive. He will return soon," Belisarius replied calmly.

The tension in the room remained palpable as Rosalind pressed on. "What about tell me what happened to Atior," she said.

"She managed to escape," Belisarius revealed, surprising Rosalind. She expected him to be vague about it. "It is possible that she may seek you out in the near future."

"Why would she do that?" Rosalind inquired, her mind racing to grasp the situation.

"Perhaps to explain that breaking the barrier was not her intention," Belisarius suggested, his tone hinting at a complex web of motives and circumstances yet to be unraveled.

Rosalind's gaze grew even more complex as she absorbed Belisarius's words. "Is the barrier truly on the verge of breaking?" she couldn't help but inquire, her voice tinged with concern.

"It is a possibility. Something within this realm has triggered the barrier," Belisarius explained. As if to emphasize his point, he extended his hand toward the fireplace.

Instantly, the flames surged to life, dancing with newfound intensity. It was as if the fire itself had taken on a life of its own, defying the laws of nature. Rosalind's eyes narrowed, captivated by the mesmerizing display before her.


A/N: On Eve's Gambit someone asked if the DEMONS that Rosalind feared were from Eve's continent. The answer is YES it was. Gosh! I would love to explain everything in one go. hahahaha

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!