Rosie's Games - Chapter 413

Published at 12th of April 2024 07:27:08 AM

Chapter 413: Commission

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Chapter 413: Commission

"Miss Lin!" Mathies greeted her with his customary warm smile. "It has been quite a while."

Rosalind nodded and returned the smile. It had been over a month since her last visit. She followed Mathies to Mr. Pratt's study.

"Miss Lin!" Mr. Pratt's face lit up with a broad grin, raising Rosalind's curiosity. "Has something happened?" she inquired.

"Oh, no, nothing like that. However, it has been a month since our last meeting, and I have some matters that require your attention."

"My attention?" Rosalind wondered.

"The Duke of Duance has finally taken action."

"The Dukeacting within the Aster Empire?" Rosalind recalled her covert dealings with the man months ago.

"He has regained his mobility and spent the past few months gathering allies. It appears he has succeeded. Aster is in turmoil," Mr. Pratt beamed with satisfaction. "Ah, forgive my manners. Please have a seat. Would you care for some tea?"

"Tea would be wonderful," Rosalind accepted, settling herself across from Mr. Pratt. Reflecting on it, she noticed that he appeared more youthful and energetic since their last encounter.

"Mathies, please fetch Miss Lin some tea and our latest pastries," Mr. Pratt requested without delay.

Mathies promptly complied, without questioning the order.

"Mr. Pratt, you look positively radiant," Rosalind remarked.

"Oh, Miss Lin, you flatter me. It's simply that our business has been flourishing."

"Flourishing?" Rosalind inquired.

"Everything you predicted came to pass, and thanks to your assistance, we suffered minimal losses compared to other merchant companies. Hehe..." Mr. Pratt retrieved an item from his desk drawer and handed it to Rosalind. "We also received a commission from the Duke of Duance, as he confirmed the success of the treatment. These are your shares." Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

"Well, with Federico no longer in the picture, the Duke has been gradually gathering supporters," Mr. Pratt explained. "Just yesterday, there was a disturbance in the palace. The Emperor ordered the knights to seal the gates of Aster, and it appears that Martin Lux was also summoned back."

"Martin is in Wugari," Rosalind stated.

"That seems to be the case," Mr. Pratt confirmed with a nod.

"So, until now... they have yet to find Federico?" Rosalind narrowed her gaze.

"No, it seems that they have already ceased their search, especially after the recent event," Mr. Pratt revealed.

Rosalind's eyes narrowed further. She knew something significant had occurred when they attempted to prevent the Duke from leaving Aster, but she couldn't ascertain the details. Just then, Mathies arrived with a tray of tea and delectable pastries, instantly brightening her mood. She smiled and expressed her gratitude.

"I recall that you have been involved in building teleportation devices," Rosalind remarked. "Could you enlighten me about them?"

With a broad smile on his face, Mr. Pratt confirmed their collaboration with sorcerers and their progress in constructing teleportation devices. Intrigued, Rosalind inquired whether it would be feasible to create a connection between Wugari and the south.

To her surprise, Mr. Pratt responded affirmatively, explaining that it was indeed possible. However, he emphasized the need for resources that could only be acquired from Rakha.

Rosalind's eyes lit up with curiosity. Rakha was renowned for its expertise in obtaining valuable relics from the treacherous depths of the Howling Mountains.

"So... if I were to procure these relics for you, it would be feasible to create the teleportation device?" she inquired eagerly.

Mr. Pratt's smile widened. "Indeed, it is. If you manage to acquire a sufficient number of these relics, I would be more than willing to assist you in realizing your goal. I could even give you a discount!"

Rosalind could not help but smile as they continued talking about the relics and creating the teleportation room that Merchants could easily use.

After a few more hours of talking about what she needed to have to create the portal and finalizing some more details, she finally asked him something that she had been wanting to ask since she arrived. "How does one go to Korusta Empire?"

Korusta Empire is where the Blaize Family lives.

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