Rosie's Games - Chapter 415

Published at 12th of April 2024 07:27:06 AM

Chapter 415: Duke of Duance's Offer

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Chapter 415: Duke of Duance's Offer

"The Duke of Duance?" Mr. Pratt raised an intrigued eyebrow upon hearing about the Duke's arrival. His gaze shifted towards Rosalind. "I assure you, I didn't inform him of your presence."

Rosalind flashed a knowing smile. "I understand, Mr. Pratt. No need to concern yourself. If the Duke wishes to speak with me, feel free to send him in."

"Are you certain about that?" Mr. Pratt inquired, uncertainty lingering in his voice.

"Yes," Rosalind replied with conviction. The Duke had his own network of informants within this establishment. She would let Mr. Pratt puzzle it out on his own.

"Miss Lin..." The Duke of Duance greeted Rosalind, a warm smile adorning his face. "It has been a few months."

"Indeed..." Rosalind rose from her seat and cast a glance at the Duke's legs. He still maintained the faade of needing a wheelchair, perhaps to hide his ability to walk. Catching her gaze, the older man beamed and motioned for his servants and knight, except for one, to leave the room.

As the door closed behind them, the Duke stood up and took hold of Rosalind's hand, giving it a firm shake. "I am immensely grateful to Miss Lin for the tremendous favor she has bestowed upon me and my family. Rest assured, I will reward you generously for your assistance."

"Your grace... there is no need for such formalities," Rosalind replied with a gracious smile. "It is truly an honor to aid the future Emperor of Aster."

"You" The Duke began to speak, but Rosalind swiftly interjected.

"Please forgive me, but I took it upon myself to coax the information from Mr. Pratt regarding your condition. I have been away for quite some time, and I desired to know how those I had treated in the past were faring," Rosalind explained, ensuring that it didn't appear as if Mr. Pratt willingly divulged the information.

"Ah... there's no need for apologies, Miss Lin," the Duke reassured her. Follow current novels on novelb((in).(com)

"It's alright, Mr. Pratt," Rosalind reassured, her gaze fixed upon the seasoned gentleman, conveying a shared understanding. Then, she turned her attention back to the Duke, her expression steady and resolute. "Your grace, while I am truly grateful for your desire to have someone like me at your side, I must respectfully decline your gracious offer."

The Duke's persistence remained unyielding as he asserted, "I am willing to bestow upon you any material possession your heart desires."

Rosalind's smile deepened, her eyes filled with wisdom. "This goes beyond mere wealth, your grace..."

Puzzled, the Duke inquired, "Then what is it that you seek? Gold? Jewels? Estates?"

Silently, Rosalind met his gaze, her intuition piercing through the Duke's facade. She understood that he was testing her, searching for vulnerabilities beneath her composed demeanor. A flicker of defiance danced in her eyes as she considered her response.

However, as the weight of their exchange settled upon her, Rosalind's expression turned serious. A tinge of sorrow mingled with determination, for she knew she had to conceal her true desires.

"Your grace, what I truly seek cannot be measured in gold or gemstones," she began, her voice steady. "It is the pursuit of justice, the preservation of truth, and the restoration of honor. These are the treasures I hold dear, for they have the power to shape destinies and transform lives." Rosalind said with conviction.

Obviously, those were nothing but lies.

What she needed was peace.

What she needed was to live a happy life.

What she needed was Lucas.

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