Rosie's Games - Chapter 416

Published at 12th of April 2024 07:27:05 AM

Chapter 416: Treasure!

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Chapter 416: Treasure!

"I humbly apologize, Your Grace, but I am content with what I have," Rosalind responded graciously. "However, I am truly grateful for your kind offer. I will carefully consider it and promptly inform you of my decision."

Smiling, the Duke nodded. "I anticipated this response from you, so I can't say I'm surprised. Nonetheless, please accept this token of gratitude for the invaluable help you provided to me and my daughter."

The Duke presented her with a small box, and as Rosalind slowly opened it, her eyes widened in surprise.

"This is...?" she began.

"It is a relic that I managed to acquire," the Duke explained. "Unfortunately, I lack skilled craftsmen on my estate to transform it into something extraordinary. This relic, however, can serve as a shield for youa defense against physical attacks such as arrows and other long-range assaults."

Rosalind furrowed her brow. "A shield?"

"Yes," the Duke affirmed. "Please take it and fashion it into any form of jewelry you desire. Keep it close to your person, and it will provide tremendous assistance during your travels."

Rosalind hesitated, realizing the generosity of the gift. She swiftly closed the box, attempting to convey her gratitude. "I am truly touched by your generosity, Your Grace. However, I'm not sure I can accept such a remarkable gift."

"Please, I insist," the Duke urged, gently pushing the box toward her. "You not only saved my life but also that of my daughter. The entire realm of Duance owes you an immeasurable debt."

Without uttering a word, Rosalind accepted the box, which vanished into her spatial pouch. "In that case, I won't pretend any longer," she stated.

"No, sir. You have misunderstood me," the Duke replied, shaking his head with a smile. "I simply need you to help spread certain rumors, and everything will fall into place."

"Rumors?" Mr. Pratt frowned, his gaze shifting to Rosalind. Both of them understood that if the Duke desired individuals to disseminate rumors, he could easily find others without involving Mr. Pratt. There had to be a specific reason why he sought their association, likely relating to Rosalind.

"Yes, I understand your thoughts, believing that my interest in hiring you is solely due to Miss Lin," the Duke acknowledged. "While that assumption holds some truth, I want to emphasize that I also seek to establish a stronger relationship with your company. As someone aspiring to govern an Empire, I recognize the necessity of collective support. I am not foolish enough to think I can achieve it all on my own," he explained.

Rosalind nodded in agreement, appreciating the Duke's straightforwardness.

"Now, regarding Miss Lin," the Duke redirected his attention to her. "I believe there is something concealed within Aster, something dark and sinister. I wish to employ your services to investigate this matter."

"Dark and sinister?" Rosalind raised an eyebrow. "Could you provide me with more details?" she inquired, intrigued by the Duke's proposition.

"Allow me to tell you the tale that was dismissed as nothing more than a forgotten legend," the Duke began. "Whispers of a long-buried temple in the heart of Aster have echoed through the ages. This temple was shrouded in the mists of time. It was believed to demand the sacrifice of countless souls. Once revered as a sanctuary devoted to a benevolent goddess, it was abandoned, consumed by the encroaching darkness that engulfed its every corner."

As the Duke spoke, Rosalind's mind immediately conjured images of that very place, the one where Lucas had taken her on a fateful occasion. A chill ran down her spine, sensing the gravity of what the Duke was about to reveal.

"Yet, let it be known that my interest in this tale does not lie solely in the legends themselves," the Duke declared, his voice filled with anticipation. "No, my eyes are fixed upon the hidden treasures that lie dormant within that ancient temple's depths. If we- you can cast aside the veils of darkness, unlocking those long-lost riches, the newfound wealth could become a formidable force, fortifying and elevating the realm of Aster."

"Treasures?" This time, Rosalind was certain that the Duke was talking about the place that reeked of darkness and malice. It was that temple!

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