Rosie's Games - Chapter 417

Published at 12th of April 2024 07:27:03 AM

Chapter 417: The Sinister Mist

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Chapter 417: The Sinister Mist

"I need your help in locating the temple for me. Naturally, the compensation" The Duke's words were abruptly cut off as Mr. Pratt interjected.

"Forgive my interruptions, but... how did you come to know that a treasure resides within that temple? You mentioned it exuded a sinister aura. I... I simply fail to comprehend why they would store treasures in such a place," Mr. Pratt questioned.

"It was quite simple," the Duke replied with a smile. "That very temple served as a repository for the belongings of those who perished during the war. Regrettably... everything contained within was tainted by darkness, rendering it unusable. However, Miss Lin possesses the ability to absorb that darkness. This signifies that"

"That would be very painful for Miss Lin," Mr. Pratt spoke, his expression somber. "Forgive me, Your Grace, but Miss Lin has already stated as much. Absorbing darkness means she will bear the consequences."

Hearing Mr. Pratt speak in such a manner, Rosalind couldn't help but think of her own father, who had never gone to such lengths to protect her. Martin Lux had never uttered words that would aid her cause. On the contrary, Mr. Pratt, who had no blood ties to her, chose to shield her rather than pursue personal gain.

A warmth and sadness enveloped her simultaneously, leaving her deeply moved.

"I understand. I was well aware that Miss Lin would endure the consequences, and thus... I shall not impose it upon her," the Duke declared. He turned towards Rosalind, his gaze unwavering. "Miss Lin... I shall not exert any pressure upon you to accept anything. I merely presented this information in the hopes of enticing you to embark on this quest, despite the burdens your body would bear. Nevertheless, feel free to decline."

"In that case, Your Grace, I must respectfully decline," Rosalind responded with a smile.

She was not foolish enough to subject herself to such torment merely for the sake of others. However, behind her smile, a glimmer of determination flickered. She had already devised a plan of action for the moment Lucas returned. "Absorbing such a tremendous amount of darkness could potentially bring about my demise. Even if it doesn't, the mere act of locating it would inflict unbearable suffering upon me."

"I see..." The Duke's smile vanished, replaced by a contemplative expression. "And what about you, Mr. Pratt?"

"My people and I would gladly accept the Duke's offer," Mr. Pratt replied without hesitation. "Harnessing the power of rumors can wreak havoc. Since the Duke sought our services for this very purpose, I am prepared to accept."

"Thank you," the Duke acknowledged, his voice tinged with gratitude.

After finalizing the details of their business, the Duke bid them farewell, promising to return at a later time to discuss further opportunities.

Lost in a trance-like state, Rosalind was jolted back to reality by Mr. Pratt clearing his throat.

"Miss Lin..."

As she ventured through the corridors, her steps abruptly halted upon hearing a familiar voice. "Ah... I finally found you!"

Rosalind's heart skipped a beat as she turned to face Princess Isabel. The two women locked eyes, and an air of tension filled the space between them.

"May I" the princess began, but Rosalind cut her off sharply. She had no desire to engage in conversation with this woman.

"No," Rosalind's response was curt and resolute. She made it clear that she had no intention of granting the princess any of her time.

Princess Isabel had already regained the weight that she lost due to the demonic curse. Dressed in a pastel blue dress, she exuded a radiant beauty. Yet, the mischievous gleam in her eyes remained unchanged.

"Just five minutes. I am willing to compensate you," the princess pleaded, casting a quick glance at her maid who stood faithfully by her side. In an instant, the maid opened a small box, revealing a collection of shimmering gold coins. "Surely, this will suffice, won't it?"

Rosalind's resolve remained unyielding. "No."

A flicker of desperation passed over the princess's face. "It is connected to the curse," she finally confessed, her voice tinged with vulnerability. "Please..."

Rosalind let out a resigned sigh. "Fine..." She then turned her gaze towards Mathies, who was silently trailing behind her. "Could you please take us to a room and bring some tea?"

Mathies nodded in acknowledgment, his silence spoke volumes. Rosalind couldn't help but sense a tinge of disappointment emanating from the man. Did he, too, wish to converse with her?

Rosalind made a mental note to avoid leaving the continent for an extended period of time in the future. It seemed that a multitude of matters had arisen during her absence.

After navigating through a series of twists and turns, Mathies led them to a cozy room specifically designated for tea gatherings. He wordlessly handed the princess's maid a tray of tea before gesturing towards the door, indicating that he would be waiting outside.

With a curious expression, Rosalind settled into her seat and faced Princess Isabel. "So... what is it that you wish to discuss?"

The princess wasted no time in addressing the matter. "I... I believe I have stumbled upon something, although I'm not entirely certain of its accuracy." Princess Isabel swallowed. "It seems that the First Prince of Aster... had the curse."


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