Rosie's Games - Chapter 418

Published at 12th of April 2024 07:27:02 AM

Chapter 418: Royal Family's Affair

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Chapter 418: Royal Family's Affair

Rosalind said nothing, her mind absorbed in the delicate aroma of the freshly brewed tea. She had known for quite some time about the curse that plagued the first prince of Aster, but she had consciously chosen not to involve herself in matters that did not concern her. At that time, her main priority was escaping from this place, and so she had focused all her attention on that goal, avoiding any unnecessary attention from the Royal Family.

To Rosalind, attracting the attention of the Royal Family was like walking a tightrope, a dangerous game with potential consequences.

"Those claims can be perilous, Princess Isabel," Rosalind finally spoke, breaking the silence. "This matter..."

"I saw it," Princess Isabel interrupted, her voice filled with certainty. "I was in his palace when it happened. I witnessed his agony, and I know firsthand what it feels like, for I too have experienced it myself." Her words hung in the air, resonating with a sense of truth. "I fear that he will inform the Emperor, and he might take action against my father."

Rosalind arched an eyebrow, intrigue flickering in her eyes. Did this mean that the Princess was unaware of her father's secret plans to seize the throne?

"What do you mean?" Rosalind inquired, her curiosity piqued.

"I believe the Emperor is plotting to send me away," Princess Isabel revealed. "To another Empire."

"Were you not expecting to remain here, in this Empire, for the rest of your life?" Rosalind couldn't help but ask, a hint of sympathy in her tone. After all, Princess Isabel was born into royalty, destined to be married off to someone, sooner or later.

"Well, this is certainly a different perspective," the Princess remarked softly. "But I wanted to marry someone you genuinely like, rather than being treated as a mere commodity to be traded off to a foreign land."

"What of your father?" Rosalind asked.

Princess Isabel frowned as she realized the possible repercussions of her plans.

"Then what do you want me to do?" Princess Isabel questioned, her voice filled with a mix of frustration and resignation. "What options are left for me?"

"Your Highness, what you can do is confide in your father," Rosalind suggested gently. "He will protect you. Together, you can devise a plan that safeguards your interests without jeopardizing the delicate balance within the court."

"Then I want to thank Miss Lin for the wisdom." A flicker of understanding illuminated Princess Isabel's eyes as she grasped the gravity of the situation. She turned to her maid and swiftly gestured for her to retrieve the ornate box containing the promised gold. Rosalind accepted the box with a gracious nod, her mind acknowledging the importance of securing her livelihood in a world that demanded payment for her services.

"Very well" Rosalind responded. With a smile, Rosalind rose from her seat, acknowledging Princess Isabel with a respectful nod. "I shall bid the Princess goodbye," she said warmly. "Please enjoy your tea.

As Rosalind stepped outside, her eyes fell upon Mathies, who stood patiently in the hallway. A smile played at the corners of his lips, his demeanor reflecting a mix of amusement and curiosity.

"Mathies," Rosalind greeted him. "Is there something you need?"

Mathies returned her smile. "Miss Lin," he replied. "I believe we should go to a more secluded room where we can discuss matters with greater privacy."

Intrigued by his suggestion, Rosalind nodded and followed Mathies as they made their way to a small chamber tucked away from prying eyes. The room was dimly lit, with the scent of tea and aged books permeating the air.

Once inside, Mathies hesitated for a moment, as if contemplating how to broach the subject." Miss Lin," he began, his gaze meeting hers. "Do you believe in the existence of Demons?"

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