Rosie's Games - Chapter 422

Published at 12th of April 2024 07:26:56 AM

Chapter 422: Power and Presence

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Chapter 422: Power and Presence

"We cannot allow you to create a portal near the estate and this matter involves the security of the estate," Rosalind stated firmly, her voice unwavering. The conversation had barely begun when Princess Isadora swiftly interjected, urging her to reconsider the conditions.

"Lady Rosie, I believe it is only fair that we explore the possibility of a compromise," Princess Isadora insisted, her tone persuasive. She gave a friendly smile to Rosalind.

"We are unwavering in our stance, Your Highness. It is either you accept our refusal or abandon this proposal altogether," Rosalind declared resolutely, unyielding in her position. She could not understand the motive behind this condition and Rosalind was not willing to waste her time thinking about it.

"Lady Rosie..." The Princess's eyes widened, caught off guard by Rosalind's shrewd demeanor. She had come expecting to negotiate with the Duke, armed with compelling reasons to sway his decision. Yet, to her surprise, it was his fiance, the woman who had been acting as the Duchess, who stood before her. The Duke's whereabouts remained unknown, and Isadora found herself frustrated by the situation. nove(l)bi(n.)com

"While we are open to considering the other conditions, the first one is non-negotiable," Rosalind reaffirmed, her voice carrying an air of finality.

"I understand," the Princess nodded, a glint of admiration gleaming in her eyes. Isadora had been raised among merchants and was renowned for her negotiation skills and strategic acumen. In fact, she was well-known for employing three distinct approaches in her negotiations, each tailored to achieve specific outcomes.

"Well, since the Princess seems to grasp the situation so well, would she kindly enlighten us about her intentions regarding the creation of a portal in Wugari?" Rosalind's words cut through the air with a sharpness that belied her merchant lineage, devoid of the usual flowery language.

Princess Isadora's smile turned wry as she met Lady Rosie's unwavering gaze. She knew that the only reason she had pushed for the portal's proximity to the Rothley estate was to be closer to the Duke. Having witnessed his formidable skills in battle, she recognized that he was the only man worthy of becoming her husband. The allure of his power and presence had captured her heart.

However, she couldn't afford to let personal desires cloud their strategic plans for collaboration with the Duchy. The experiences of Rakha had served as a stark reminder to Isadora, her brother, and her father. Even their vast wealth had proven futile in the face of the menacing beasts that roamed the land. It was a harsh reality that had forced them to prioritize fostering strong relations with the Duke of Wugari. The true value lay not in their wealth, but in the protection the Duke and his estate could provide.

Princess Isadora weighed her words carefully, aware of the delicate balance between her personal desires and the strategic objectives of Rakha.

"Yes, Lady Rosie," Princess Isadora replied, her voice tinged with a hint of resignation. "I am willing to concede to your request. We can have the portal constructed at the entrance of the gates of Wugari, as suggested by His Majesty and Her Majesty." She chose her words carefully, knowing that this concession did not indicate her complete surrender. Her personal desires, fueled by her infatuation with the Duke, diverged from the overarching objectives set by her father.

As the conversation unfolded, Princess Isadora's eyes darted between the stern gaze of Lady Rosie and the expectant expressions of the King and Queen. She knew that she couldn't let her personal desires cloud her judgment, not when the stakes were so high for Rakha.

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