Rosie's Games - Chapter 424

Published at 12th of April 2024 07:26:54 AM

Chapter 424: Once a Demon

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Chapter 424: Once a Demon

Lucas's gaze intensified, a flicker of determination igniting within his eyes. "My presence is affecting the fragment within you. I must find a way to extract it, to unravel the truth of its origin," he stated firmly, his hand reaching out to delicately touch hers. "I promise, Rosalind."

She remained silent, her thoughts swirling in a sea of uncertainty. Everything seemed so murky and elusive, veiled by the enigma of their shared past. Even in her previous lifetime, such inexplicable events had never unfolded before her.

"How can I help you?" Rosalind inquired, her voice tinged with concern as she set her gaze upon Lucas. There must be something that she can do to stop the dreams and visions, right? This was her body! There must be something that she can do!

"You cannot," Lucas replied, his tone laden with a hint of resignation. "No human can."

His words hung heavily in the air, casting a shadow of doubt upon her. Rosalind's brows furrowed, her curiosity piqued. "Are you telling me that you're not human?"

A flicker of something mysterious danced in Lucas's eyes, an enigmatic smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Yes," he confirmed, his voice carrying a depth that sent shivers down her spine.

"If you're not human, then... what are you?" A part of her seemed to know the answer to this question even before she asked it. Does it have anything to do with the fragment?

In response, Lucas's smirk deepened, a gesture that simultaneously irritated and captivated her. His handsome face held a certain allure that she found difficult to resist. "Once, I was a demon," he revealed, his words laced with a hint of nostalgia.

The revelation struck her like a bolt of lightning, momentarily stealing her breath. "What" she began, her mind struggling to comprehend the truth unraveling before her. He was once a demon?

"The higher-ranking demons possessed the ability to assume a human form," Lucas explained, his tone tinged with a sense of melancholy. "I, too, once wore that facade."

The weight of his words settled upon her, causing her throat to tighten. She swallowed hard, trying to process the implications of his confession. "That doesn't mean you're still a demon now, does it?" she asked.

A brief pause hung in the air, the silence amplifying the tension between them. Then, Lucas shook his head, his gaze unwavering. "No," he replied firmly. "Not anymore."

Confusion etched itself upon her features as she raised her gaze, locking her eyes on his enigmatic side profile. At that moment, Lucas's attention shifted to the small box clutched tightly in his hand, the weight of his unspoken intentions palpable.

"That is..." Rosalind's voice trailed off, her heart pounding within her chest as anticipation mingled with uncertainty.

"Marry me?" Lucas's question hung in the air.

Her mind reeled, struggling to process the abruptness of his proposal. "But... I thought we already agreed to" she began, her voice filled with a mix of surprise and confusion.

"Not later. Now," he interrupted, his gaze unwavering as he met her eyes. "Marry me now."

Rosalind blinked, disbelief washing over her. The world seemed to freeze as her thoughts raced, colliding with her deepest desires.

"You just came back to marry me?"

"I would like to give you the proper title" he spoke. "I would not want them to bully my wife, would I?"

Rosalind frowned.

"Was it too rush?" he asked.

She shook her head. Since she came back, she already knew where she would seek refuge to avoid her family. She had decided to marry him months ago. They made a deal, but things had been more complicated than she originally thought.

"Are you leaving after the wedding?" she asked. She could feel his gaze bore towards her as she lowered her head. For some reason, blood started to rush on her face. Was she blushing?

"I will come back on your birthday," he answered.

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