Rosie's Games - Chapter 425

Published at 12th of April 2024 07:26:52 AM

Chapter 425: Sacrificed!

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Chapter 425: Sacrificed!



Ena Thun's study was a haunting sight, filled with an atmosphere that sent chills down anyone's spine. The room was dimly lit, casting long shadows that danced across the walls. The air hung heavy with the scent of old books and the musty odor of neglected knowledge.

The disarray within the study only heightened its eerie aura. Papers were strewn haphazardly across the floor, creating a chaotic tapestry of information. Books stood precariously on shelves, threatening to tumble at any moment as if they held secrets too dangerous to be contained. Broken quills and shattered ink bottles were scattered among the debris, remnants of Ena's frustration.

Ena herself was a figure of intensity. Her face wore a grim expression, etched with lines of stress and determination. Her piercing gaze, filled with a wave of dark anger, seemed to see through the very souls of those who dared to enter. It was as if she possessed an uncanny ability to penetrate the deepest secrets and darkest intentions of others.

As Ena Thun sat in her study, a profound sense of bloodlust emanated from her being. It was palpable, an intangible force that sent shivers down the spines of even the bravest individuals. It whispered of revenge and retribution, a hunger that knew no bounds.

Amidst the clutter, there were symbols and diagrams scrawled hastily across the walls, seemingly marking the path of Ena's obsession. The twisted sigils and cryptic writings told tales of forbidden knowledge and rituals best left untouched. nove(l)bi(n.)com

As Ena's gaze fell upon her missing hand, a malicious sneer curled upon her lips. The room grew charged with unsettling energy, and soon, faint crackles of lightning began to dance and flicker along her remaining arm. The disfigurement had not robbed her of her power; it had only fueled her resolve.

"Did you perhaps think that I can no longer wield lightning without my hand!?" she hissed, her voice laced with venomous disdain. "Naive!" The memory of the white-haired man who had attacked them in the treacherous Howling Mountains consumed her thoughts. He was an enigma, an entity she had never seen or heard of before. How could someone of such immense power reside on that seemingly unremarkable island?

Ena's irritation grew as she ruminated on their encounter. For years, she had believed herself and the sorcerer who accompanied her to be at the pinnacle of power, reigning supreme over their domain. Yet, that man had snatched away her chance to fight, leaving her seething with an insatiable hunger for vengeance.

Just as her thoughts consumed her, the study door creaked open, and her assistant cautiously entered. The assistant's eyes darted nervously around the disheveled room as if the chaos mirrored Ena's wrath.

"Did you find something?" Ena hissed, her impatience palpable.

"N Nothing," stammered the assistant, fear, and nervousness evident in their voice.

In a fit of rage, Ena summoned a surge of raw power. With a deafening BAM, a bolt of lightning crashed into the wall just behind the assistant, leaving behind a scorching mark. "You told me you possessed a comprehensive list of the most powerful individuals on this continent! How could you not know who that man is?" Ena's voice crackled with fury.

The study, once eerie and chaotic, now became a haven of calculated malevolence. The walls seemed to close in, mirroring Ena's growing hunger for domination and her thirst for the crimson rivers that would flow in the wake of her actions.

Ena's gaze fixated on the assistant, her expression grim as she posed a crucial question. "What of the experiments?" she demanded to know.

"Well... since his excellency's passing, numerous experiments were left unfinished," the assistant replied with a hint of trepidation. "Approximately sixty individuals remain in the second stage. They underwent a transformation where their bodies evolved, granting them powers beyond lightning manipulation. However, they are unable to control these newfound abilities. For ten individuals, they were able to materialize lightning, but the power proved too overwhelming, leaving them scarred and disfigured."

Ena's brows furrowed in frustration. "So, they still cannot harness and control the lightning?" she pressed for confirmation.

"They remain unable to control it," the assistant confirmed as she swallowed hard.

"So, those people are still useless," Ena muttered with a tinge of annoyance. Her attention shifted to a new topic. "And what of the new children?"

"They are too young, Your Blessedness. Initiating the first phase of the experiments would be detrimental to their fragile bodies," the assistant explained, attempting to dissuade Ena from her impulsive desires.

"Start it," Ena hissed, her voice dripping with an unyielding determination.

"Your Blessedness, I must implore you to reconsider. Without the sorcerer's presence, the children would endure excruciating pain, and there's a significant risk of fatality," the assistant protested, genuine concern etched across her face.

"Then do you wish to die in their place?" Ena's voice grew cold and menacing, and tendrils of lightning crackled menacingly along her hand, emphasizing her point.

"N No, Your Blessedness. The experiments will be carried out as you command," the assistant relented, her fear overpowering her reservations.

"Good," Ena sneered, her dark intentions laid bare. "Those children were brought into existence for this very purpose. Speak not of pain when their sole purpose is to be sacrificed!"

"Y Yes, Your Blessedness!" the assistant stammered, bowing their head in submission.

"Hmph! Leave me be!" Ena dismissed the assistant with a wave of her hand, her face contorted into an expression of relentless determination. The study fell into an eerie silence as she was left alone to revel in her sinister plans.

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