Rosie's Games - Chapter 426

Published at 12th of April 2024 07:26:49 AM

Chapter 426: It Is Time...

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Chapter 426: It Is Time...

Ena Thun ventured further into the depths of the cave, her steps muffled by the soft earth beneath her boots. The air grew heavy and damp, clinging to her skin like a shroud. The darkness enveloped her, swallowing the surrounding space in an impenetrable cloak. The only flickering light illuminating her path came from the scattered candles that lined the uneven walls of the underground corridor.

The corridor itself seemed to stretch on endlessly, its rough-hewn walls bearing the marks of time and nature's relentless touch. Moisture dripped from the ceiling, forming glistening droplets that echoed through the silence as they splashed onto the uneven ground. The earthy scent of dampness permeated the air, mingling with the faint aroma of aged stone.

Undeterred by the eerie atmosphere, Ena pressed on, her determination guiding her through the labyrinthine passage. The dancing flames of the candles cast dancing shadows, creating a spectral dance of light and darkness. Each step she took echoed through the confined space, reverberating like whispers in the oppressive silence.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of navigating the subterranean maze, Ena arrived at her destinationa hidden room nestled deep within the cave's embrace. Before she could even raise her hand to knock, the door swung open, a creaking echo shattering the stillness. Surprised, Ena hesitated, her senses on high alert.

As the door swung open wider, a soft glow spilled out, revealing the interior of the room.

"Enter," the voice echoed from within, beckoning Ena into the room. Ena strode forward with determination, her presence filling the space. "You knew I would come," she declared firmly. A heavy silence enveloped the room as Ena's eyes met those of her father. The man she had looked up to her entire life, was now confined within the prison-like walls of iron bars.

"Why have you come?" he whispered, his voice tinged with a mixture of sadness and resignation. Ena's gaze hardened as she took in the sight of her father's deteriorating state. Though his appearance suggested a healthy middle-aged man, she knew the truth. The Howling Mountains had cast a shadow over his life, thrusting him into a prolonged comatose state from which he had awoken only to face unpredictable episodes of agony and danger.

Frustration tinged her words. "Federico Lux is no longer an option to aid you, Father. He has vanished without a trace." A crease formed between her father's brows. Howling Mountains had changed her father. Ena, faced with the unbearable reality, had made the difficult choice to confine him deep within the palace, shielded from the prying eyes of the influential families.

To keep the pretense, she asked Federico Lux to pretend to heal her father. In exchange, he would give Federico the support that he needed for his obsession with the past. nove(l)bi(n.)com

"I might consider reaching out to Martin Lux, although I doubt his feeble strength and limited influence would provide any relief to your wretched existence," she coldly stated a hint of disdain evident in her thoughts towards him.

Her father's voice broke the silence, his words echoing with a haunting tone. "Then perhaps it is time for me to embrace the sweet release of death, for it is an inescapable part of life."

Ena's revelation pierced the air after a pregnant pause. "I braved the treacherous Howling Mountains," she disclosed, her true intention for coming to this place unveiled. "But the relics you spoke of were nowhere to be found. Instead, the mountains harbored hideous creatures, demonic entities that would attack mercilessly." The image of the white-haired man flashed before her eyes, stoking the flames of anger deep within her.

As anticipated, her father's breathing grew shallow, and a flicker of fear danced in his eyes. Sensing his agitation, Ena spoke in a reassuring tone, attempting to calm him. "Father, find solace in the knowledge that I have returned unharmed. There is no cause for alarm."

"I warned you! Stay away from that place!" Her father's words were filled with urgency, his once-calm gaze now sharp and feral. "They have laid eyes on you. They will pursue you relentlessly, stopping at nothing to find you."

The mere contemplation of such a choice weighed heavily upon her, intensifying the throbbing ache in her head.

She sighed wearily, sinking into her chair as her weary eyes fixated upon the scattered papers strewn across her desk. The weight of her decisions bore down upon her like a suffocating burden.

"It is time..." a chilling voice suddenly echoed from behind her, its presence jolting her senses. Startled, she flinched, though she refrained from turning around. Experience had taught her that there was nothing to be seen. No use in wasting her time.

"What do you want this time?" she demanded, her voice laced with irritation and defiance.

"The one you promised," the voice responded, its tone dripping with insidious intent. "I want to begin the process now."

"You expect me to deliver Brinley Fleur so you can possess his body?" she questioned, her voice tinged with a mix of bitterness and resignation.

"And what other choice do I have?" the voice retorted, a note of desperation seeping through its words.

In response, Ena couldn't help but snort with derision. She already had an abundance of burdens on her plate, and this demand only served to stoke the fire of her anger.

As the formless presence dissipated once more, Ena couldn't help but feel a mixture of relief and annoyance.

Demons, she scoffed inwardly as she thought of the dead sorcerer who introduced her to those creatures!

Without wasting another moment, she reached for her communication device, her fingers trembling with anticipation. With calculated precision, she dialed a number and issued a series of instructions to the person on the other end. Her intentions needed to remain concealed from prying eyes.

She had them arrange a secret meeting with Brinley Fleur of the esteemed Fleur Family.

Ena knew that Brinley had a weak and cowardly character. With the knowledge she held about Lachlan Blaize's whereabouts, it was a perfect leverage to ensure his compliance.

Oh, how the mighty Fleur scion would come running to her, driven by a desperate need to protect his kin. Little did he know that once he entered her web, he would never be the same again. Ena reveled in the prospect of molding him into her pawn, an instrument of her ambitions.

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