Rosie's Games - Chapter 433

Published at 12th of April 2024 07:26:40 AM

Chapter 433: A Throbbing Headache

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Chapter 433: A Throbbing Headache

"Lady Dorothy had been helping at the walls."

Denys's words hung in the air, and Rosalind's expression tightened with each passing moment. She pondered the Queen's motives, her mind racing to unravel the hidden desires behind Dorothy's arrival in Wugari. The Queen's longing for a child was no secret, but the lengths she was willing to go to fulfill that desire left Rosalind unsettled.

Was it truly necessary to sacrifice something in the process? Rosalind's brow furrowed in silent contemplation as she made her way toward her room, her thoughts consumed by the weight of the situation. Tomorrow was meant to be her birthday, a day of celebration, but she had no intention of reveling in it.

Rosalind's mind buzzed with a multitude of tasks and responsibilities, and now, Dorothy's presence added yet another layer of complexity to her already burdened schedule. She sighed, grateful that Martin Lux had departed from Wugari. At least one source of tension had been eliminated.

However, Rosalind couldn't help but wish for Dorothy's swift departure from the city as well. What purpose did she serve here? Why was she even present in Wugari, stirring up further headaches for Rosalind? These questions lingered in her thoughts, fueling her desire to find answers and restore a semblance of order to her chaotic world.

As Rosalind entered her room, Denys handed her a stack of files. "These are the things that had been prepared for tomorrow's event."

She blinked in surprise. "An event? I was not informed of any such thing."

Denys hastened to explain, "The Duke wanted me to send the invitations and take care of everything. He has already arranged everything for your birthday celebration."

The news spread through the merchants like wildfire, kindling a sense of jubilation within their hearts. Korusta, a prosperous empire known for its exceptional merchants and quality products, held immense potential for a profitable trade. The prospect of a portal connecting Korusta and Wugari promised a substantial increase in their profit margins. In just a matter of days, Rosalind had managed to resolve the pressing issue at hand, garnering gratitude and admiration from the merchants whose obstacles were now being swiftly overcome.

Rosalind wasted no time and promptly dispatched a message to the King, informing him about the upcoming portal constructions. However, even as she attempted to rest, her mind continued to race with thoughts of securing sufficient provisions for the Estate. The harsh climate of the northern region, with its ten-month-long winter, posed a significant challenge in terms of food availability.

Unable to find respite in rest, Rosalind called upon Denys to summon builders and planners. She was determined to rectify the issue by constructing a greenhouse within the Estate. The idea of having a reliable source of food and increased security provided some solace amidst her mounting responsibilities.

"Why is it that the Duke and the previous Dukes never considered building greenhouses?" Rosalind voiced her query in the presence of Butler Lance Walford. Her relationship with the Butler and the Head Maid, Clemence Spencer, had been less than favorable in the past. However, now as the new Duchess, it was essential for her to establish a rapport with these key figures.

"Isn't a greenhouse an excellent means of ensuring food sustainability and security?" Rosalind inquired, her curiosity piqued. She had often wondered why the Duchy lacked a substantial greenhouse capable of producing enough food, especially considering that even the palace had one.

The Butler, Lance Walford, hesitated momentarily before responding. Fortunately, he possessed enough intelligence to swiftly adjust his demeanor, recognizing the growing closeness between Rosalind and the Duke. It had become evident that the Duke held a fondness for Rosalind, leaving the servants with no choice but to yield to their preferences.

"Allow me to speak candidly," the Butler finally mustered the courage to answer. "It's simply because the previous Duke had no interest in pursuing such a project."

Rosalind's gaze hardened, the realization sinking in.

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