Rosie's Games - Chapter 437

Published at 12th of April 2024 07:26:27 AM

Chapter 437: Suspicion

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Chapter 437: Suspicion

"I apologize, but none of you shall enter this room until the Duchess says so," Sir Bohan said, his face devoid of any expression, his tone firm and unwavering.

The medical personnel exchanged anxious glances, their desperation evident. They had witnessed the soldiers' deteriorating condition and knew that time was of the essence. Lives hung in the balance, and every passing moment could mean the difference between survival and tragic loss.

"Sir Bohan, these soldiers need immediate help," one of the medical personnel pleaded, their voice filled with urgency. "Please, we cannot afford to wait any longer. Their lives are at stake."

"None of you shall enter this room until the Duchess says so."

Sir Bohan remained resolute, unmoved by their pleas. He felt the weight of responsibility settled heavily upon his shoulders. How could he defy the Duchess's orders? Loyalty to the Duchy ran deep within him, ingrained in his very being. He stared into the desperate eyes of those seeking entry before he repeated his words for the third time. "None of you shall enter this room until the Duchess says so."

"Sir Bohan, do you truly believe that following the Duchess's orders at this moment will bring salvation to these soldiers? Your allegiance is to the Duchy and its people, not solely to the Duchess. Your duty should be to protect and care for those who suffer within these walls."

A murmur rippled through the crowd, the weight of Lady Dorothy's words hanging heavily in the air. Sir Bohan's resolute expression faltered for a brief moment, a flicker of doubt crossing his features. He had always been a loyal servant of the estate, guided by his sense of duty, but now the conflicting voices echoed within his mind.

"What can you do if I let you in?" Sir Bohan's voice resonated with skepticism. "The room is already crowded with medical personnel. Are you planning to pray to your goddess and hope for a miraculous healing? Do not forget that you and your people have long left the north, venturing to distant lands. Yet now you barge in, suggesting that I disregard the Duchess's orders?"

The place fell into a heavy silence, tension thickening the air. The soldiers exchanged uncertain glances. Dorothy's plea hung in the air, awaiting a response.

Just as despair began to settle within Dorothy's heart, a sudden disturbance shattered the stillness. Dark mist billowed into the infirmary, swirling and coalescing into a sinister form. Gasps of awe and disbelief filled the room as the soldiers pointed toward the manifestation.

"It's the Duchess!" a soldier exclaimed, excitement and relief evident in his voice. "She must be doing something!!!"

Dorothy's confusion deepened, her eyes widening in astonishment as she beheld the unexpected scene unfolding before her. The soldiers' faces lit up with reverence and hope, their faith in the Duchess unwavering. They saw her as a beacon of salvation, capable of wielding powers beyond mortal comprehension.

Had the North truly fallen to such depths of superstition and blind loyalty?

Dorothy questioned herself, her inner turmoil growing. Amidst the bewilderment, she realized that this was her chance to demonstrate the true gravity of the situation, to make them understand the dire consequences of their unquestioning devotion.

She narrowed her eyes at the darkness that seeped through the cracks and corners of the infirmary. She had known for so long that this woman was none other than her very own sister, Rosalind Lux. She was also well aware that she could use the blessing of light. She could heal people yet Dorothy was confident that the light would never be able to heal this disease.

So, the appearance of darkness was a surprise to her.

Was it possible that Rosalind Lux can wield both?

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