Rosie's Games - Chapter 448

Published at 12th of April 2024 07:25:08 AM

Chapter 448: Undercurrent of Unease

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Chapter 448: Undercurrent of Unease

"It seems that the Duchess was unable to come because the Duke returned," the knight announced, bowing respectfully before Queen Aurinda. "My men are gathering more information as of this moment."

The Queen's lips curled into a disdainful sneer as she responded, her tone dripping with bitter sarcasm. "It comes as no surprise that the Duke has returned, given what has transpired. But what truly astounds me is his audacity to cancel the very birthday celebration meant for his wife. Such a pity," she mused, her gaze piercingly fixed on Dorothy.

Silence hung heavy in the air as the Queen's words echoed, leaving Dorothy to bear the weight of the Queen's scrutiny. Unfazed by the Queen's attempt to provoke her, Dorothy remained composed, her thoughts carefully measured. When the Queen pressed for a response, Dorothy mustered the courage to speak.

"I couldn't help but notice that the Duchess did not receive the celebration she deserved, especially on her eighteenth birthday," Dorothy began, her voice calm yet firm. "Considering the grand celebration you have planned for my own birthday, I thought... I thought it might be fitting to include the Duchess. I understand that I have no right to impose my thoughts on your majesty, but it is merely a suggestion."

The Queen's brow furrowed in confusion at Dorothy's unexpected request. "What are you proposing?" she inquired, her tone betraying a mix of curiosity and skepticism.

Dorothy's smile remained unwavering as she shook her head gently. "I only wish to express my concern, your majesty. It is not my place to dictate, but if it were up to me, I believe it would be prudent to share the celebration with the Duchess. I do not want anyone to think that your favor extends solely to me. The nobility of the North holds the Duchess and the Duke in high regard, and I fear that any perceived favoritism could ignite tensions among them. I wish to protect your majesty's reputation and maintain harmony."

The Queen's features softened, her initial skepticism giving way to understanding. She, too, was well aware of the intricacies of Northern politics. The Duchess and Duke held immense influence and respect among the nobility, and any misstep could sow seeds of discontent and discord.

Dorothy's astute assessment resonated with the Queen, who recognized the wisdom in her words. To avoid potential conflicts and safeguard her own position, the Queen nodded, a glimmer of appreciation shining in her eyes. Follow current novels on novelb((in).(com)

"Your majesty" the knight kneeled in front of her.

"Wugari is currently shrouded in uncertainty. Let us take advantage of this."

"I understand," the knight spoke and left without saying another word.


For two agonizing days, a cloud of uncertainty loomed over the North. News of the mysterious sickness that had suddenly plagued the soldiers spread like wildfire, and the people's anxiety grew with each passing hour. Concerned citizens sent by noble families flooded the estate, desperate for any updates or reassurances from the Duke. To their dismay, the Duke remained secluded behind the imposing doors of the estate, shrouded in unnerving silence.

The cancellation of the Duchess's anticipated birthday celebration only added fuel to the mounting panic. Whispers of fear echoed through the streets, carrying with them a chilling uncertainty. What had transpired within those walls? Had the situation taken a turn for the worse?

Were the soldiers truly cured, or had the sickness unleashed its wrath once more?

The once bustling Kingdom now simmered with an undercurrent of unease. Merchants huddled in anxious conversations, sharing wild speculations and trading rumors. Mothers clutched their children tightly, their eyes scanning the horizon for any signs of hope. The air crackled with tension, and the normally vibrant streets felt eerily muted.

The absence of news gnawed at the people's sanity. It was as if a veil of darkness had descended upon the Kingdom, casting doubt and fear into every corner of their hearts. The Duke's silence spoke louder than any words, fueling the imaginations of those already plagued by a sense of impending doom.

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