Rosie's Games - Chapter 449

Published at 12th of April 2024 07:25:07 AM

Chapter 449: Forbidden Yearnings

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Chapter 449: Forbidden Yearnings

Unbeknownst to them, only Rosalind has been plagued by a sense of impending doom, trapped in a whirlwind of conflicting emotions and an ominous sense of foreboding.

The insatiable desire that emanated from Lucas seemed to transcend human boundaries, leaving her both in awe and on the brink of desperation. Was he truly human, or something more sinister?

Her mind wrestled with the incomprehensible nature of his boundless energy.

How could one person possess such an insatiable desire?

She questioned the limits of her own endurance, wondering if she should laugh at the absurdity of her situation or succumb to tears of exhaustion.

She could only thank her blessing for healing her own body or she would have long succumbed to weakness.

She stared at Lucas, who was peacefully asleep on the bed, his bare back rising and falling with each steady breath. Rosalind couldn't help but feel a strange mix of admiration and exasperation. She had never witnessed him in such a vulnerable state. His defenses momentarily lowered as slumber claimed him. It was a sight that stirred conflicting emotions within her.

Rosalind couldn't help but be captivated by the vulnerability he displayed.

Her thoughts drifted to the world beyond the confines of their room, where time continued to tick away.

Two days had passed, and yet Lucas showed no signs of slowing down. Rosalind couldn't help but wonder if there was an end in sight, or if this incessant fervor would consume them both.

The irony of her situation was not lost on her - the fear of perishing from the very act that brought them together. Could such a fate befall her, lost in the depths of desire?

Yet, amidst her internal struggle and the physical toll it exacted, Rosalind couldn't deny the flicker of romantic tension that still lingered between them. Despite her exhaustion, there was an undeniable magnetism that drew her towards Lucas. His presence, like a potent elixir, ignited conflicting emotions within her.

"You are going out wearing that?" she couldn't help but ask, her voice tinged with a mix of incredulity and concern. Snow surrounded them, and she had learned from experience that Lucas had a knack for shattering all plans in favor of indulging their desires.

"Do you want me without one?" His eyebrow raised playfully, his gaze smoldering with unspoken promises. Frustration gnawed at her, and she scowled in response. Sensing her rising agitation, he relented, his laughter filling the room.

"Alright, I shall stop teasing you. Let's go... I'm going to take you somewhere," he declared with a newfound seriousness. Finally, Rosalind succumbed to the allure of his outstretched hand, allowing him to pull her closer. Her chest pressed against his, the heat of their bodies mingling, and just as she prepared to protest, he lowered his lips to hers.

At that moment, the world around them blurred into a haze of desire and anticipation, leaving Rosalind powerless to resist the pull of their shared passion.

However, as Rosalind opened her eyes, she found herself transported to a different place altogether. The familiar surroundings of their room had dissolved, replaced by the intimate ambiance of Lucas's studythe very room where he had once shared the secrets of ancient relics with her. Confusion mingled with anticipation as she took in the unexpected change of scenery.

"This is..." Her voice trailed off, her eyes scanning the room. Questions swirled in her mind, but before she could voice them, a mischievous smile tugged at the corners of Lucas's lips.

"I thought we were going to eat something?" she finally managed to ask, trying to regain her composure amidst the shifting dynamics of their encounter. Her stomach rumbled, a reminder of her initial hunger.

His gaze locked with hers, desire and hunger intertwining in his eyes. Rosalind's breath caught in her throat as she sensed the undeniable surge of sexual tension between them. The air seemed to crackle with electricity, the room suddenly charged with an intoxicating energy that sent her heart racing.

"There is something to eat here," Lucas murmured, his voice low and velvety. His grip on her hand loosened, releasing her from his intoxicating embrace. Rosalind watched him, her mind racing to comprehend his intentions, as a whirlwind of conflicting emotions stirred within her.

As their eyes met, she saw a fire burning within hima primal desire that mirrored her own forbidden yearnings.

A magnetic pull drew her closer to him, her body betraying her with a slight tremor. Her mind screamed with caution, but the allure of the unknown, of exploring the depths of their desires, proved irresistible.

"No way," she whispered to herself.

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