Rosie's Games - Chapter 458

Published at 12th of April 2024 07:24:41 AM

Chapter 458: Too Petty

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Chapter 458: Too Petty

On the contrary, Rosalind's bathroom was a serene sanctuary, a haven of relaxation and rejuvenation. Soft, warm lighting illuminated the space, casting a gentle glow upon the elegant fixtures and furnishings.

As Rosalind reclined in the tub, steam gracefully rose from the water, enveloping the room in a misty embrace. The air was delicately scented with the fragrance of aromatic oils, infusing the space with a soothing aroma that eased her senses.

Candles flickered around the edges of the room, their gentle glow casting dancing shadows upon the walls. The soft illumination created a tranquil ambiance, enhancing the serene atmosphere of the space. The warm, golden light reflected off the gleaming surfaces, lending an ethereal touch to the surroundings.

Finally, she found herself alone, the weight of the days melting away as she prepared to unwind. The room was dimly lit, the soft glow of candlelight casting a romantic ambiance that set her at ease. New novel chapters are published on

However, it was not too long before she noticed a subtle shift in the room's atmosphere. Her eyebrows arched in surprise as she felt a presence, a presence she recognized all too well. "Lucas?" she murmured, a mix of curiosity and intrigue lacing her voice. Why was he here instead of the palace?

The frown that had etched itself on Lucas's face seemed to dissolve the instant he laid eyes on her naked form. With a confident stride, he closed the distance, lowering himself next to the tub. Her heart skipped a beat, her smile faltering ever so slightly in response to his unexpected presence.

"I thought you went to the palace," she voiced her confusion, trying to make sense of his sudden reappearance.

"I came back," he murmured, his gaze locking with hers, his voice, low and velvety. Without hesitation, he reached out, his fingers delicately tracing her jawline, igniting a wave of anticipation within her. She couldn't deny the magnetic pull of his touch, the electric charge that passed between them.

"Why so quick?" she managed to utter. She had anticipated hours passing before their paths would cross again, yet here he was, by her side in an instant.

His fingers continued their exploratory journey, trailing down her neck, leaving a trail of tingling sensations in their wake. The intensity of his touch caused her to quiver, her breath catching in her throat. She couldn't deny the potent allure of his presence, the unmistakable chemistry that crackled between them.

"So, you finally decided to show yourself," Lucas quipped.

Belisarius, seemingly unfazed by Lucas's attitude, casually responded, "I was not able to congratulate you on your wedding."

A knowing smirk tugged at the corners of Lucas's lips. "Hmmm... I do expect a wedding gift."

Belisarius raised an eyebrow, his demeanor cool and collected. "How can you be so greedy? You've already taken the pearl that I gave her."

Lucas remained silent, pouring himself a glass of wine, his eyes gleaming with mischief.

"I would love a glass as well..." Belisarius trailed off, his request lingering in the air.

Lucas didn't bother to spare his feelings, instead responding bluntly, "Get one for yourself then." Taking a seat on the couch, he leaned back, fixing Belisarius with a daring and challenging gaze.

"You " Belisarius did not know what to say except, "You really are too petty!"



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