Rosie's Games - Chapter 464

Published at 12th of April 2024 07:24:22 AM

Chapter 464: Secrets

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Chapter 464: Secrets

Rosalind's heart pounded as she hurriedly left the Duke's study, her mind racing with a plan forming in her head. She knew time was of the essence, and she had to act swiftly to help the Duke of Duance achieve his goal. Determination etched on her face, she made her way to Aster and sought the assistance of Mr. Pratt.

Mr. Pratt's eyes widened as he listened to Rosalind's words. He hesitated for a moment, his voice filled with caution as he informed her of the black market's reluctance to involve themselves in such matters. It was a rule they strictly adhered to, placing limitations on their actions.

Rosalind, however, remained silent, her mind already formulating an alternative plan. Disguising herself once again, she resolved to take matters into her own hands and infiltrate the palace.

In her past life, Rosalind had stood at the side of powerful figures like Dorothy and the Emperor, granting her access to secrets that could alter the course of events.

Drawing upon her knowledge and unique abilities, she skillfully maneuvered through the palace, evading detection by the vigilant guards and palace staff. Then she check a few things from the Emperor's records, confirming the things that she knew.

After leaving the palace, she immediately went to the Duke of Duance's mansion. With finesse and precision, she slipped inside the Duke of Duance's sprawling estate, nestled in a picturesque location far from the bustling palace.

The Duke's eyes widened when he saw her inside his study.

"You "

"Your grace, is everything alright?" A voice from outside the study inquired, to which he hastily replied, concealing his astonishment. Instructing the attendant to leave, the Duke locked eyes with Rosalind, his smile masking an underlying unease.

"M-Miss Lin... what brings you here?" The Duke's words quivered slightly, betraying his apprehension. "Is there something amiss?" For some reason, Rosalind could sense the fear from the Duke's gaze. Was he perhaps scared that she came here to harm him?

"I apologize for the suddenness of my visit, your grace," she said softly, maintaining a respectful tone.

The Duke gestured for her to sit down, his attempt to regain composure evident. "Not at all, it is no inconvenience. Would you care for some refreshments? Perhaps a glass of wine or a cup of tea?"

Silence lingered in the room, the weight of the revelations suffocating the air. The Duke knew that with these secrets in his possession, he held a powerful weapon capable of swaying the allegiance of the ministers. The fate of his struggle against the Emperor of Aster hung delicately in the balance, as the Duke contemplated how to wield this newfound leverage with the utmost care and strategic precision.

"What do you want in return?" the Duke finally broke the silence, his voice laden with a mixture of curiosity and caution. He recalled the past occasion when he had sought Miss Lin's assistance, only to be met with a swift decline. He understood the intricate dynamics at play within the palace and respected her decision not to involve herself. The unexpected nature of her current offering, however, left him both surprised and intrigued. It seemed only natural to inquire about her intentions and any potential demands she might have.

A knowing smile danced upon Rosalind's lips as she met the Duke's gaze. "Would you believe me if I said that I want nothing?" she replied, her tone laced with sincerity. The truth was, her motivations ran deeper than any material gain.

In reality, Rosalind's decision to aid the Duke stemmed from a deep-seated desire to thwart the Queen and Dorothy's clandestine plan. It was a touch of pettiness within her that reveled in the prospect of disrupting their carefully crafted machinations.

The Duke's brows furrowed, his eyes searching hers for any signs of deception. "Miss Lin... this is..."

"Since you insist, Duke, then I shall make a request," Rosalind interjected, her voice tinged with a hint of mischief. "I desire gold. Three crates..." she stated matter-of-factly, recognizing the inherent value of wealth. "And, more importantly, I request the freedom to visit the palace at any time I please."

She wasn't merely fixated on material riches; her desire for gold stemmed from a deeper purpose. Rosalind's thoughts were drawn to the tomb of the goddess and the temple she had visited with Lucas. She sensed that those mysterious places held countless secrets, perhaps even relating to the soul dwelling within her very body.

Unbeknownst to the Duke, Rosalind's ulterior motive was to uncover the truth about her own existence, to gradually unravel the mysteries that lay within the sacred temple. She believed that such knowledge would shed light on the profound connection she felt with the ancient goddess.

The Duke's frown deepened as he continued to scrutinize Rosalind, his intuition alert to the possibility of hidden motives. "Miss Lin, please forgive my skepticism, but the value of the information you've provided far surpasses mere material wealth. I can't simply hand you gold in exchange for secrets that hold the potential to reshape the course of our kingdom."

Rosalind's smile remained unwavering, her resolve unyielding. "Duke, those are my demands," she reiterated firmly, unbothered by the Duke's suspicion. Her request for gold and unrestricted access to the palace might have raised eyebrows, but she harbored her own reasons for seeking these particular benefits.

With calm assurance, she continued, "I trust that you will have the specified amount of gold prepared within a week's time. I shall return to claim it. But before that, I implore you to thoroughly investigate the matters I've presented to you. While I have listed the secrets to the best of my recollection, you must delve deep and seek concrete evidence to support these claims."

Rosalind understood the importance of substantiating the allegations she had laid before the Duke. The secrets she had revealed were fragments of her past life's memories, and although she held a strong conviction in their truth, she lacked the tangible evidence necessary to persuade others. Thus, she placed her faith in the Duke's ability to carry out a thorough investigation, confident that his efforts would yield substantial results.

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