Rosie's Games - Chapter 467

Published at 12th of April 2024 07:24:16 AM

Chapter 467: Harvest

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Chapter 467: Harvest

In Rosalind's past life, her experiences were confined within the borders of her own Empire, Aster. It wasn't due to a lack of desire on her part to explore other realms; rather, it was the chaotic state of the world that hindered her wanderlust.

The ascension of Empress Dorothy was swiftly followed by the eruption of a devastating war, which cast a shadow over the lands. Before that, the Empire faced a relentless tide of dangerous beasts, and even before that, a plague had wreaked havoc.

Given the tumultuous state of affairs, the Emperor, wary of potential dangers, took great caution in safeguarding his Empress. As Dorothy's trusted lady-in-waiting, she was constantly at her sister's side, their bond unbreakable amidst the trials that plagued the Empire. While Rosalind yearned to venture beyond their borders, circumstances dictated otherwise.

Despite her physical confinement, Rosalind delved into books that depicted the magnificence of other Empires, devouring tales of their grandeur and their distinctive cultures.

She immersed herself in the vivid descriptions of foreign lands, imagining the bustling markets, ornate palaces, and picturesque landscapes that lay beyond Sloryn's borders.

Paintings and illustrations served as windows into worlds she had yet to explore.

Through her thirst for knowledge and her vibrant imagination, Rosalind nurtured a deep understanding of the Empires that existed beyond the boundaries of Aster.

Sloryn, a thriving Empire nestled on the coast, boasted a bustling and strategically fortified port that served as a vital gateway for trade and maritime endeavors. As ships arrived from distant lands, they were greeted by the grandeur of Sloryn's bustling harbor, protected by towering walls that stood as a testament to the Empire's vigilance against the frequent onslaught of marauding beasts.

The port, known as Azure Haven, exuded a sense of bustling energy and maritime splendor. Its sturdy walls, constructed from weathered stone and reinforced with iron, encircled the harbor, creating a formidable barrier between the city and the untamed wilderness beyond. Turrets adorned with imposing ballistae and watchtowers perched atop the walls, keeping a vigilant eye on the sea and the surrounding lands, ready to repel any beastly incursions.

Within the harbor, a forest of masts soared into the sky, as ships of all sizes and origins bobbed gently upon the azure waves. The air was thick with the salty tang of the sea, mingling with the intoxicating scents of exotic spices, timber, and bustling commerce. The symphony of maritime life filled the air, from the creaking of rigging to the distant calls of seagulls soaring overhead.

The port itself was a vibrant hub of activity. Sturdy stone piers jutted out into the sea, accommodating vessels of various sizes. Stevedores and sailors worked tirelessly, unloading cargo, repairing ships, and preparing for upcoming voyages. Merchants, both local and foreign, mingled among the crowd, striking deals, and negotiating prices, their voices carrying snippets of different languages and dialects.

Azure Haven's charm extended beyond its functional aspects. The architectural beauty of the port blended seamlessly with the natural surroundings. Colorful banners fluttered in the coastal breeze, depicting the emblems of prominent trading guilds and noble houses. Delicate stone carvings adorned the walls, depicting legendary sea creatures and tales of brave seafarers.

However, she was not interested in Sloryn's history.

Curiosity piqued, Rosalind regarded the enigmatic figure, her gaze filled with a mixture of intrigue and wariness. The man wasted no time in asserting his presence, his voice laced with an air of flamboyance.

"Mermaid's Kiss, you say?" he interjected, his tone brimming with enthusiasm. "While it is indeed renowned for its enticing blend of sweetness and saltiness, there's something far more captivating than merely indulging in its flavors!"

Rosalind's brows furrowed as she attempted to grasp the man's intentions. His sudden appearance and extravagant claims left her both intrigued and skeptical. It was as if he had stepped out of a tale or a carnival sideshow.

"I am someone who has encountered a mermaid in the Azure seas," the man declared, a glimmer of excitement dancing in his eyes. "As a result, I have been bestowed with the rare ability to predict the future of lovers!"

Before Rosalind could voice her skepticism or attempt to steer Lucas away, the man continued, his words brimming with conviction. "A Dragon and a Phoenix! I can see it, the radiant aura surrounding you both! Your future is blessed!"

Rosalind, well aware of such performances, instinctively tried to pull Lucas's hand away, hoping to dismiss the charlatan's claims. Yet, to her dismay, Lucas appeared genuinely intrigued by the man's supposed abilities. He even retrieved a gleaming silver coin from his pocket and handed it to the mystic, his eyes filled with anticipation.

"Tell us more," Lucas requested, his voice laced with a mixture of curiosity and amusement.

The man's gaze softened, his theatrical demeanor giving way to a moment of sincerity. "Your journey, dear lovers, shall be filled with trials and tribulations, as well as moments of profound joy," he continued, his voice holding a note of authenticity. "Together, you possess the strength to overcome any obstacle and the wisdom to embrace the transformative power of love. Your union, like that of a dragon and a phoenix, shall ignite a path of destiny that shall leave an indelible mark on the world."

Rosalind furrowed her brows, a skeptical frown etching her features. She knew all too well that individuals like this man were performers, skilled in weaving tales that catered to the romantic aspirations of those who crossed their path.

Their words were meant to enchant and captivate, yet held little substance beyond the realm of entertainment. She couldn't help but wonder if this was Lucas's first encounter with such a charmer, considering his fascination with the unfolding spectacle.

"These performers are common at festivals," Rosalind thought to herself. "He must be familiar with their tricks and empty promises."

However, before Rosalind could voice her thoughts, the man's proclamation took an unexpected turn. His voice rose with excitement as he declared, "I am seeing a child! Yes, a child! I can clearly see it in your future!"

Rosalind's breath caught in her throat. She glanced at Lucas, hoping to find a hint of skepticism or disbelief mirrored in his eyes, but to her astonishment, he wore a genuine smile. Without hesitation, he reached into his pocket and retrieved another silver coin, placing it in the palm of the man's hand.

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