Rosie's Games - Chapter 476

Published at 12th of April 2024 07:23:35 AM

Chapter 476: A War of Attrition

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Chapter 476: A War of Attrition

Magda's face scrunched up with concern as she served Rosalind a cup of steaming tea. "That is a very strange woman," she remarked, her eyes darting with suspicion. "Why would she come here just to ask that question when she already inquired with the Queen? Knowing her majesty's current feelings towards that woman, she might try to manipulate the Queen into issuing a decree to let the Duke accompany Lady Dorothy."

Rosalind took a thoughtful sip of her tea, her mind racing with possibilities. Magda's observation held some truth, but there was more to it. "You're right, Magda," Rosalind said, her eyes glinting with intrigue. "But I don't think Dorothy's goal is to make the Duke accompany her."

Magda raised an eyebrow, eager to know more. "Then what is it? Is she aiming to turn the Queen against the estate?" Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

"No," Rosalind replied, shaking her head. "It's more cunning than that. Dorothy always has a meticulous plan; she's not one to act haphazardly. You see, we have two options here."

Rosalind explained the two possible scenarios to Magda. The first involved letting the Duke accompany Dorothy outside the estate, ensuring her safety. The second option was for the Duke to represent the estate and lead the team himself, essentially joining the competition. This, however, could attract unwanted attention from the nobles, which might affect the King's relationship with Lucas.

Magda furrowed her brow, trying to grasp the implications of each choice. "But why would Dorothy want the Duke to join the Hunt? Surely, she knows he has never participated before. And the Duke's participation could immediately make us the winner of the Hunt. Many nobles would surely find this unfair."

A wry smile played on Rosalind's lips as she began to see through Dorothy's ploy. Dorothy wants the Duke to refuse her invitation. If he chooses the second option, he could use this as a legitimate reason to decline her offer. However, this means the Duke would have to join the competition.

In fact, all Dorothy wanted was to manipulate the situation so that she appears to be extending an olive branch, while secretly hoping he will reject her. That way, she can feign innocence and claim she's just trying to make amends. And most importantly, she wanted the Duke to leave the estate and go to the walls.

Rosalind nibbled on some snacks thoughtfully prepared by Magda. "Dorothy is an expert at creating schemes with no clear way for her opponent to win. But she has completely underestimated the Duke of Wugari."

Rosalind sneered inwardly. Did that conniving woman really think they would be so easily trapped by her manipulative options?

Just as Rosalind was about to finish her tea, there was a knock on the door and Lucas entered the room with Denys, his confident smile sending a flutter through her.

The Duke then gestured for Magda and Denys to leave the room, leaving him and Rosalind alone.

Lucas leaned in to kiss Rosalind's cheek. "The Queen issued an edict," he began casually as if discussing the day's weather, "to make me accompany Dorothy to the treacherous northern beast lands."

Rosalind's eyes widened slightly, but she maintained her poise. She did not expect the Queen to immediately send an edict! "And?" she inquired, her voice steady, though her mind raced with curiosity about his decision.

"Just as we expected, Ena Thun immediately came to Sloryn's aid," Lucas continued, his tone betraying an undercurrent of concern. "However... it seems that Korusta held some advantages this time."

Rosalind leaned in, eager to understand the details of the unfolding conflict. "How did they manage that?" she asked, her mind racing with possibilities.

"The battle took place in the desert," Lucas explained. "Sloryn strategically sent troops to block Korusta's soldiers from entering their territory, intending to make it seem as though they were indifferent to the matter. In truth, they had set up an ambush, hoping to catch Korusta off guard. But unfortunately, it didn't work as planned. Rumor has it that Sloryn lost more than half of their troops in the encounter."

Rosalind's frown deepened, perplexed by the unexpected outcome. "But how is that possible? If it was a premeditated ambush, then the exhausted soldiers of Korusta, who had been marching for days, should have been at a disadvantage."

Lucas's smiled. "It appears that Korusta was better prepared than anyone anticipated," he replied, his mind analyzing the situation. "They might have been fatigued, but it seems their commanders had devised a contingency plan for such a scenario. Perhaps they were able to rally their troops in a way that caught Sloryn off guard."

Rosalind's brow furrowed as she mulled over the details of the report. Something about it didn't sit right with her, and her instincts told her there was more to this story. Lucas noticed her reaction and couldn't help but chuckle at her astute observation. "So you've seen through it?" he asked, admiring her sharp mind.

"Was it Josephine?" Rosalind inquired, her mind racing with possibilities. Josephine had managed to escape the clutches of two formidable individuals in the past. Moreover, she chose to stay in Korusta, choosing to stay next to Lachlan's side.

So, it wasn't far-fetched to think she might have been involved in the current conflict. Perhaps she had foreseen the ambush and played a crucial role in Korusta's victory.

"She was indeed involved, but that's not the only reason they won this time," Lucas replied cryptically, leaving Rosalind eager for more information.

"Then what was it?" she asked, curiosity brimming in her eyes.

"Korusta had long prepared for this war," Lucas revealed, his voice serious. "Their ambitions were far-reaching, and they had been laying the groundwork for years. They planted spies in each Empire, hidden among the nobles, operating in the shadows."

Rosalind's eyes widened in disbelief. "You mean to say that Korusta had been planning to wage war against the other Empires from the beginning?" she asked, a mix of shock and concern in her voice. So, this was not just about Lachlan and Brinley?

Lucas nodded. "Exactly. This was no impulsive decision. They carefully plotted and schemed, biding their time until they had the advantage to strike. Their spies had infiltrated our courts, gaining positions of power and trust within their own lands."

The realization hit Rosalind like a wave of cold water.

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