Rosie's Games - Chapter 477

Published at 12th of April 2024 07:23:34 AM

Chapter 477: Combat Tournament

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Chapter 477: Combat Tournament

As she delved deeper into the memories of her past life, Rosalind couldn't help but feel a shiver of intrigue running down her spine. The strangeness of the situation was becoming more apparent with each recollection. In that bygone era, instead of clashing with Korusta, the battles raged against Dreaston and Raston, territories belonging to the notorious Thun Family.

As the pieces of her fragmented memories began to connect, she could vaguely recall hearing whispers of some ominous weapons being developed by Korustaa dangerous creation akin to a bomb, capable of unleashing devastating effects. The gravity of this revelation left her contemplative. "Korusta might be unto something," she murmured her mind ablaze with the possibilities.

Lucas, her ever-curious companion, leaned forward, a glint of anticipation in his eyes. "What are you thinking?" he inquired, eager to share in her unfolding epiphany.

"A relic" Rosalind finally spoke, her words weighed with a mixture of trepidation and excitement. The only explanation that had emerged from her past life's memories pointed towards the existence of a long-lost artifact. Unfortunately, she had no concrete proof to validate this suspicion, and the spies they dispatched to investigate Korusta's actions had mysteriously vanished without a trace. Compounding the enigma, she had recently uncovered traces of Korusta on the person of a traitorous butler, Arman, who would ultimately betray Martin Lux.

Her voice trembled slightly as she pondered the chilling possibility, "Was it possible that... Korusta was the puppeteer orchestrating all the wars and devastation in my past life?"

Lucas's eyebrow arched in amazement, captivated by the web of intrigue she was spinning. "A relic?" he repeated.

"Hmmm..." Rosalind nodded, now choosing her words carefully. "I believe I stumbled upon this forbidden knowledge in the black market," she casually lied, not wanting to reveal the true depths of her past life's secrets just yet.

"Oh?" Lucas's curiosity intensified.

"It is just a fleeting rumor, nothing to be excited about," Rosalind began, her voice tinged with intrigue. "I simply thought it would be worth mentioning. They say that Korusta is concealing a relica hidden treasure of sorts. Though, I must admit, I am not entirely certain of the truth behind it." As the words left her lips, she observed the Patriarch of the Blaize Family, whose immediate agreement to create a portal connecting Korusta to Wugari raised her suspicions even further.

Initially, she had believed the old man was merely because of the demons, but now doubts clouded her mind. Was there more to this than she first assumed?

Lucas, always composed and attentive, smiled and responded, "I have no prior knowledge about any relic in Korusta, but I assure you, I will personally investigate the matter."

"Now, let us talk about the hunt," Lucas continued, shifting the topic.

"The Hunt?" Rosalind frowned, intrigued by his sudden change in subject. "What of it?" she prodded, eager to hear his insights.

"Both Korusta and Sloryn will be sending representatives this time," Lucas explained, knowing that the revelation might be met with skepticism.

Her snort of disbelief was immediate when she heard his words. The grand battle between the two mighty empires had only just begun, and now they were about to send representatives to participate in a mere competition from a relatively smaller kingdom like Wugari. The incongruity of the situation struck her as absurdly dramatic.

In the Frostbloom Market, vendors adorned their stalls with vibrant blooms and lush greenery, evoking the essence of spring. Guests would find unique souvenirs such as floral wreaths, scented candles, and jewelry inspired by the region's flora and fauna, perfect keepsakes to cherish the memories of the Revelry.

Cultural Exchange:

With a heart for promoting unity and understanding, Rosalind envisioned a Cultural Exchange that would leave a lasting impact on the festival's participants. She carefully curated an Exhibition of Traditions, where artifacts and relics representing the unique cultures of the Three Kingdoms were showcased. Historical documents, traditional clothing, and ceremonial items stood as symbols of their heritage.

The Performance Showcases became a platform for representatives from different regions to demonstrate their artistic expressions. From lively folk dances to hauntingly beautiful music, each Kingdom would present its cultural gems, fostering mutual appreciation among the attendees.

The Culinary Fusion banquet became a celebration of the shared joys of food, featuring a fusion of dishes from the three Kingdoms. As guests savored a delightful blend of flavors and culinary traditions, they would symbolically signify unity among the regions.

Language and Craft Workshops encouraged representatives to learn basic phrases from each other's native tongues, fostering cross-cultural understanding and collaboration. These workshops also enabled participants to create traditional crafts from each Kingdom, further solidifying the bonds of friendship forged during the Revelry.

As the preparations took shape, Rosalind couldn't help but marvel at the grandeur of the Frostbloom Revelry. Each element was carefully curated to create a captivating experience that celebrated the arrival of spring and celebrated the rich diversity of the North's heritage.

However, the Duchess was not done yet. A glimmer of inspiration struck her as she gazed upon the list of events. There was something more she wanted to adda daring and thrilling addition that would turn the Revelry into a spectacle like no other. It was an idea that would make hearts race and warriors clash.

This time, Rosalind was determined to organize a Combat Tournament as part of the Cultural Exchange. It was a plan that held the potential for drama and excitement beyond anyone's expectations. With a determined smile, she began crafting the details of the tournament, eager to see her vision come to life.

Rosalind held the list of events for the Combat Tournament in her hands, her fingers tracing over the meticulously detailed planning. She had poured her heart and soul into crafting this grand spectacle, and now, with a hint of excitement dancing in her eyes, she handed the document to Lucas.

The Duke's gaze lingered on the list, his curiosity piqued by the ingenuity of his wife's idea. "A Combat Tournament sounds interesting," he mused, acknowledging the potential thrill it would bring to the Frostbloom Revelry.

Rosalind's smile broadened as she saw the spark of understanding in Lucas's eyes. "Isn't it?" she replied, a playful glint in her eye. "But it's not just for the spectacle. It's also a way to address the tension between the representatives from the Korusta Empire and Sloryn Empire."

Her words held a clever twist that Lucas soon caught onto, his own lips curving into a knowing grin. "Ah, I did not know I married such a clever wife," he remarked. She smirked in response.

In fact, Rosalind, was providing a legal and controlled stage for them to channel their competitive spirits.

"You know me too well," Rosalind chuckled.

The tournament could potentially avoid unwanted conflicts between the two powerful empires through the Combat Tournament. It was nothing short of genius! This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

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