Rosie's Games - Chapter 485

Published at 12th of April 2024 07:23:52 AM

Chapter 485: Marriage of Convenience

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Chapter 485: Marriage of Convenience

Rosalind remained silent as she stared at Atior with a watchful gaze. Sadly, she knew that trying to sway someone with a firm conviction would be futile. As she contemplated their conversation, the voices outside her room interrupted her thoughts, causing her to frown.

In a blink of an eye, Atior had disappeared without a trace. Rosalind's heart raced, unsure of what could have transpired outside.

She wished she could see what was happening, but confined to her room, all she could do was sense the presence of several people beyond the door.

Magda's voice filled the air, demanding answers for the disturbance. The Duchess could sense her friend's frustration and the tense atmosphere that had enveloped the living room.

Before Magda, Captain Nuvali, stood his ground, attempting to explain their intrusion. He was imposing and bulky, but Magda was unyielding, not backing down in the face of his intimidating presence.

"Do you think I would be here talking to you if an assassin is here?" Magda retorted sharply, her face displaying her displeasure. She had experienced her fair share of schemes and knew how to identify genuine threats.

The audacity of those who dared to conspire against them infuriated her. They underestimated the depth of the Duke's love and loyalty to his wife, and they would soon learn the consequences of their folly.

Captain Nuvali attempted to justify their actions, citing the need to follow protocol and protect the palace from potential danger. However, before he could elaborate further, Princess Isadora's voice cut through the tension.

"Lady Magda," Princess Isadora addressed her, gracefully entering the room. The Knights respectfully made way for her, acknowledging her presence. "I would like to personally apologize for the disturbance just now. Captain Nuvali was simply fulfilling his duty."

However, despite the Princess's cordial smile, Magda found it hard to be pacified. The smile, in fact, only fueled her irritation. She had always been wary of Princess Isadora's scheming nature, but to witness such blatant manipulation in front of the Duchess was beyond foolish.

"Magda, what is happening?" Rosalind's concerned voice came from inside the room.

Internally sighing, Magda knew that Rosalind had intervened to prevent any disrespect towards the Princess and avoid offending her. "Captain Nuvali is here with the Princess," Magda responded, her frustration evident.

Earlier, Magda had resisted allowing the Knights to enter the suite, but she couldn't possibly block Princess Isadora herself. Her frown deepened as she stood her ground, refusing to move away, despite the Princess's invitation.

Rosalind finally emerged from the room, and the Princess greeted her immediately. "Your Grace, may I have a word?" Princess Isadora asked.

"Of course," Rosalind replied, curiosity mingling with her politeness.

Rosalind was at a loss for words, torn between her duty as a Duchess and her emotions as a wife. The proposition posed a complex dilemma that she would need time to reflect upon.

Princess Isadora gave her a warm smile, her sincerity evident. "Take all the time you need to consider this matter, Duchess. I wanted to be forthright with you, as I value your opinion and your happiness above all else."

"Are you jesting?" Rosalind asked, her voice betraying a mix of shock and disbelief. "I mean are you really" She struggled to find the right words to respond to the audacious proposal.

"I am serious," Princess Isadora affirmed firmly, her tone resolute. "I do not have the time nor inclination to jest about something as serious as my marriage."

Rosalind's curiosity got the better of her, and she couldn't help but inquire further. "Why does the Princess think that the Duke would agree to your arrangement?" The question was loaded with genuine curiosity and a hint of skepticism. The Duke of Wugari was renowned for rejecting marriage proposals from nobles, princesses, and numerous other women throughout the years. His sudden marriage to Rosalind had taken many by surprise, and the refusal to accept concubines from other kingdoms had only solidified the Duke's devotion to his Duchess.

"Because only I can help him," the Princess replied, her smile possessing an air of self-assuredness. "Only I can truly aid the Duke."

"Pardon?" Rosalind's eyes widened, her curiosity growing.

"I know that the Duchess's past had been a lie," the Princess divulged, her voice gentle yet direct. "I know that you are not the daughter of a merchant, but someone the Duke took in and intended to present as a false bride."

Rosalind's jaw dropped, her heart racing with surprise. The Princess's revelation cut through the layers of secrecy that had surrounded her past. The truth, once carefully hidden, was now laid bare before her.

"Moreover, I also know that the Duke was only making a display of his affection. The marriage was nothing but a marriage of convenience," Princess Isadora continued, her gaze steady on Rosalind.

Rosalind mustered her resolve, finding her voice despite the shock that still lingered within her. "Please, do not underestimate the information network of someone from Rakha," the Princess stated, her smile unwavering, but her eyes held a glint of confidence. "I am giving you until tomorrow to tell me"

"No," Rosalind interrupted, her tone firm and resolute.

"Did I just hear the Duchess decline my offer?" The Princess's smile remained, but a subtle flicker of surprise and irritation passed through her eyes.

"Yes, Princess Isadora, you did," Rosalind affirmed, her gaze steady as she met the Princess's gaze head-on.

Princess Isadora seemed taken aback by the Duchess's straightforward refusal. She had expected a negotiation, a careful consideration, or perhaps even a hesitant acceptance. Yet, here was Rosalind, standing her ground with an unwavering gaze.

Was it not clear enough? The Princess knew about the Duke and the Duchess's secret! Did the Duchess think that the Princess would not dare reveal this information?

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